Smokin' Girl

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" You get what you work for and not what you wish for"

My name is Alexander Stewart, I am eighteen years old, I have been living alone for four years in a furnished apartment, I left home at the age of fourteen because of a disagreement between my parents. At first, I pay the bills but then my father takes care of it. My mom works abroad, I only see her on weekends.

My best friends are Robin, Emily, Jules, and Julie. They come to visit me, and we see it each other  even in high school, Jules and Emily are seniors with me, the rest is in their junior year.

My friends often become distant towards me, because I easily get angry, he often calls me "the madman" but  It's not funny at all.

"Dude, please pray for me from today. " Says rob very nervous

"Calm down, and tell me what happened to you ?" I laugh

"Don't laugh, I'm serious while coming down the hall to your place, I ran into a Paranoid, white-haired girl. The manner in which she pointed her guns toward my head, I began to regret why I didn't date all the girls in school." He explained nervously

"Don't overreact, a girl with a gun? What did you do to her?"

"I didn't mean to bump into her on purpose."

" A girl wants to kill you because you bumped into her? Seriously, Rob, you see too many scary movies." I laugh even harder.

"Thank her mom if it wasn't for her, I would no longer be alive."

"How do you know it's his mom?"

Don't think I'm asking this question for no reason, Rob is an unpredictable guy.

"She was older than her."

"They entered Room 101, in case you think I'm lying, come to visit her yourself." he added

"Stop talking about her for a minute and just listen to me."

"Yeah, talk."

"Florencia sent me another bunch of flowers."

Florencia is my schoolmates, she confessed last week that she loved me and I rejected her. since then, She has been sending me flowers all the time. i wonder what the meaning of what she is doing?

"She will not give up on the case." He says

"But what am I supposed to do with all this?" i said while taking a quick look at the flowers everywhere in my appart.

"Let's thank this lady who rescued me from her daughter with those flowers."

"You know I can just trash it"

"You're heartless," he said

Rob took two bunches of flowers, and went out at a high speed, had no choice but to follow him.

"So you do it or I will." I him nervously.

we were so nervous to knock on the door but someone had to do it. i need to understand the situation he is on right now.

"Okay, I knock."

I knocked twice on the door and the lady came and opened it, she didn't let us in, she went out and closed the door directly behind her.

"Yes, ma'am, I came to thank you for saving me from your daughter earlier." He said

Rob hand-delivered the flowers to her. she seems a little bit confused and then she took the flower and nod slightly her head.

"Okay, thank you."

She went back in and shuts the door.

"You come in, take a shower, get dressed, we'll go to a local bar." He says.

-"I want to sleep, you know we are not supposed to drink alcohol," I answered.

"Stop acting like a saint! It's been four years you have been doing that." He replied

Robin is right. Four years ago, I started being addicted to freedom and I put myself in all kinds of situations. I'm graduating soon, so I decided to reflect on my actions.

"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending"
-C.S Lewis

"I'm so sleepy, another day" I said

"It's not the time, look how nervous I am. I need a drink, but not alone." He begs me.

"It's okay, you win."

I went back to my room to take a shower. Rob didn't follow me. He said he had to do something before he picked me up.

A few minutes later, Rob was there. He didn't look happy to see me, a look of disappointment was showing on his face.

"I knew it." He whispered."Dude, we're not going to a geek bar, we're going to the popular one." he added.


"You were popular once, why are you ignoring it? You're not presentable. You have to be charming, or a bit of a bad boy, or sexy."

I don't understand the problem with me wearing jeans and a white shirt.

"Bad boy? You want my dad to put me in jail ."

"less chatter. let's move on." 

"Shirt? What am I doing with that?"

A few minutes later Rob wasn't there, I saw him with a girl, having a good time. A girl came and sat at my table, white hair, dressed in black, as if that wasn't enough she was smoking.

"On that table, it says no smoking." I said

She put her cigarettes on the table

"oh- I can't see."

She lights another one.


Music was playing really loud in here. Even if I screamed until my throat break nobody would care. It's a club after all and she's managed to make me angry.

"damn it ...."

I stand up and throw the whole table on the floor. We had a big verbal fight and she left the bar.

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