Chapter Two

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It has only been 3 days since Jean Grey came back to life. Jean couldn’t stop thinking about everything that she did when she was Dark Phoenix. Jean tried to go to sleep but everytime she closed her eyes she could hear the screams of her victims as she burned their planet and destroyed their sun. Then she could hear the screams of her friends as she burned them with a small amount of the Dark Phoenix’s powers. She could still hear the wicked laugh of the Dark Phoenix as she took great pleasure in hurting, killing people, and causing destruction. Jean didn’t tell anyone about what was going on inside of her head. She didn’t want to get them all worried about her. She walked into the kitchen to find Hank a.k.a (Beast) and Logan sitting at the table discussing if the X-men should be reunited or not. So Jean sat down next to Logan and listened in on this discussion for a few minutes.

    “ The world hasn’t seen any of our enemies for almost three years and none of the mutants have tried to attack anyone because they have nobody to try to challenge at all.” said Hank.

    “ They might not be around right now but sooner or later they will end up showing back up and then what Hank. . .  are the Avengers and the fantastic four suppose to worry about those enemies while dealing with their own.” replied Logan right before Ororo, Scott, and the Professor came into the dining room.

    “ Logan is right Hank. The world needs the X-Men again. But we will need a team leader since Scott doesn't want to be the leader if the team comes back.” replied the Professor.

    Jean sat there and listened in on the conversion. She was thinking about if she rejoin the X-Men and try to relive her old life or if she should take this second chance and leave with Scott right now. After sitting there and thinking about her decision she didn’t really hear Ororo’s question.

    Jean snapped out of it and asked “ What did you say Ororo?”

    “ I was asking if you would like to lead the team until we all can come down with a vote between me and Hank.” answered Ororo.

    Jean didn’t know what to say to them because before she turned into Dark Phoenix that was all she wanted to do in the X-Men. But now she wasn’t sure if that was something that she wanted or not.

Jean sat there for about a couple of minutes before she replies with “I need to talk with Scott about this before I make up my decision.”

Both Jean and Scott walked out of the kitchen area. They kept walking until they were in the greenhouse. Within the greenhouse there were rare flowers, trees, and small friendly animals from all around the world. There were different parts of the greenhouse that were built for the different climates that each plant and animal needed to survive. Jean and Scott eventually found the small little bench that was hidden in the rainforest section of the greenhouse. Both of them sat down on it and Jean looked at Scott. When he looked over at her his heart started racing because he thought that she looked like the world's most beautiful diamond which shined like the northern star when the sunlight or moonlight hit it at the right angle. Scott couldn’t believe that she was here in person alive after three lonely miserable years. He felt whole again finally. Both of them kept looking at each before Scott broke the silence between them.

“ What exactly did you want to talk about Jean?” asked Scott.

“ Well about what we should do with our lives now that we have a second chance to live it together.” answered Jean while she reached over and wrapped her hand around Scott’s hand.

Scott looked into Jean’s eyes and said “Jean deep down I really think that we should go and live our lives away from the X-Men because the last time that you were on the team you ended up becoming Phoenix and then turned into Dark Phoenix. Which in the end of that you were killed.”

X-Men: The Return (Book one of the X-Men Saga)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon