Chapter Three

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The moment that Jean stepped into the house all of her memories from her childhood came flooding back in her head. This brought a warm feeling within Jean. Her parents walked with her into the living room. The three of them sat down on the couch Jean snuggled with her mom while her dad was on the phone with someone. Jean was so happy to be home after three long years of being in a place called the white hot room. That is where the souls of the Phoenix Force’s hosts go if they die while the Phoenix Force is still inside of their bodies. Jean looked up into her mom’s blue eyes and smiled. Jean missed being able to look into those beautiful blue eyes. They reminded her of the sea when she looked into them.

“I missed you so much mom.” said Jean.

“I have missed you too honey.” replied Elaine.

“How has life been treating you guys for the last three years?” asked Jean.

Elaine and John looked at each other with an emotional look before Elaine answered “About a year after you died Liam ended up getting killed in a plane accident. Your friend from the Avengers was there and Liam sacrificed himself in order to save nine people before the plane blew up.”

Jean sat up and looked at her mom and said “Which Avenger was there?”

John thought about it for a minute before he replied with “It was the Scarlet Witch.”

Jean got up and started to walk towards the front door. John and Elaine quickly got in front of her before she was able to leave the house.

“Where are you going Jean?” asked Elaine in a concerned tone.

“I need answers to what happened on that plane.” answered Jean in an enraged tone of voice.

“That won’t bring him back to life.” replied John in a sad tone.

“I don’t care. I need answers now!” yelled Jean as she slipped past her parents and ran out of the house.

Jean tried to use her telekinetic abilities so she could fly to the Avengers tower. But something was different. Jean wasn't able to use her telekinetic abilities at all. This made Jean start to worry a little bit. She quickly ran back into the house and grabbed her mom's car keys. She quickly got into the 89’ jeep cherokee and sped off towards the Avengers tower. Jean was pissed off to the point that she wished she was Phoenix right now so she could get answers out of Wanda Maximoff a.k.a (Scarlet Witch). At the same time Jean couldn’t stop crying she always thought that her little brother would have been married to his girlfriend Carrie by now and in another year or two have a beautiful baby. But no he was killed a year after she died. It took Jean about fifteen to twenty minutes to get to the Avengers tower. She got out of the jeep and slammed the door shut. She stormed into the building with a vengeful look in her eyes.

She walked up to the front desk and said “Hello I am here to see Wanda Maximoff or you would know her better as the Scarlet Witch.”

“Sorry miss but I can't let you up there unless you have fingerprint access which you dont and I don't believe your name is on the list.” replied the front desk lady.

“ My name is Jean Grace Grey. Can you please see if my name is on your list.” said Jean.

The lady looked and replied with an answer a minute later.

“Sorry miss but your name isn’t on the list.” said the front desk lady.

Jean had enough with this so she ran through the metal detector and ran through the lobby. She slid under two guards who tried to block the elevator. Jean hit the elevator button before she turned and punched one of the guards in the face and kicked the other one in stomach. The moment that happened the elevator doors opened Jean saw at least thirty more guards running towards her. So she jumped into the elevator and hit the top floor button. Right before the elevator doors closed a guard jumped in there with Jean. As the elevator started to go up Jean and the guard fought long and hard. By time the elevator doors opened again the guard was knocked out cold and Jean had a small cut on her bottom lip. She smiled when she reached into the elevator and pressed the button that sent the guard back down to the first floor.

X-Men: The Return (Book one of the X-Men Saga)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora