Chapter Five

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[ So whats the plan Summers?] asked Logan.

[ Storm and I will hit his helmet with everything that we got. Meanwhile Logan will try to lift it off from behind. Once we finally get that fucking thing off then Jean and the Professor will telepathically attack him until he is knocked out.] answered Scott.

Everyone nodded at him before they charged into battle. Jean, and the Professor were ready to telepathically attack Juggernaut once his helmet was off. Scott ripped off his visors and opened his eyes once Logan pointed him in the right direction. Jean knew that Scott's optic beams would go all over the place; so she used her telekinetic abilities to contain them. Scott opened his eyes and unleashed the full power of his optic beams. The moment they hit Juggernauts helmet Juggernaut had to use all of his strength in order to hold his helmet in place so it wouldnt fall off. He knew exactly what the X-Men had in mind.

I am the fucking Juggernaut bitches!!!!!! yelled Juggernaut right before he started to charge towards the team.

He ended up plowing through Wolverine and Rouge. Everyone was a little grossed out when Wolverine got back up because you could see blood gushing out while there was chunks of flesh hanging off of his face. You could see his eyeball in its socket. After a few seconds you could see his enhanced healing abilities were kicking in. Wolverine was pissed off now. Rogue got up with a small bruise on her left rib cage. Rouge grabbed both of Wolverines hands and flew him up into the sky. They were about thirty feet above Juggernaut when Rogue held onto Wolverines hands and started to spin him. Jean saw what they were planning. So she kept Juggernaut distracted long enough for Rogue to get to the right speed to throw Wolverine towards Juggernaut. When Wolverine crashed into Juggernaut it sounded like thunder. Lucky Wolverine didn't have any broken bones from the hit.

Juggernaut took a few steps back. While Juggernaut was taking those steps from Wolverine landed on the ground and quickly jumped onto Juggernauts back. He started to get Juggernauts helmet off when Wolverine was thrown off of Juggernaut by a ball of hex magic. Then the hex magic appeared again, but this time around it wrapped itself around the Juggernaut and it lifted him up into the air.

Where is my fucking father! yelled Scarlet Witch.

Go to hell Wanda. answered Juggernaut.

Wanda waved her hand and the hex magic started to rip some of the Juggernauts armor off. It was also slowly taking his helmet off at the same time. Before Wanda could tourte Juggernaut some more, Jean used her telekinetic abilities and forced Wanda to turn around. When Wanda was done being turned around she saw Magneto laying there peaceful asleep.

Wake him up. I need to get some information out of him. said Wanda.

What do you need to know? asked Jean.

Where is Thanos hiding at? answered Scarlet Witch.

Jean used her telepathic abilities and entered Magnetos mind. Jean finally found Thanos's location when all of a sudden Magneto woke up. He looked around and the moment he saw Wanda, he gave her a smile.

Have you finally came to rescue me dear sweet Wanda? asked Magneto.

Wandas eyes started to glow with a reddish color and out of nowhere a small amount of hex magic wrapped itself around her fathers thorat.

I would rather have the Dark Phoenix slowly burn me with her fire than help you! yelled Wanda.

Magneto was trying to catch his breath as Wanda was choking him with her hex magic.

Did you get Thanoss location Jean? asked Wanda.

Yes I did. answered Jean.

Good. replied Wanda as she slammed Magnetos head into the ground.

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