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as the judges were getting ready to leave, alesha and amanda had dinner plans so they were taking one car rather than two seperste ones.
while making their way to the car they were chatting casually, and once they got inside and got themselves situated, amanda burst out with
"what was that about?"
"i. have. no. idea. but its something juicy, im telling you. ive never seen simon so desperate, not to david at least."
"exactly, it's so strange. and another thing was how david didnt tell us! hes the first to spill any news or drama thats taken place. its out of character, for both of them."
"i agree. we need to get to the bottom of this. soon."
it was the next day of auditions and alesha and amanda had come up with a battle plan. they wanted to corner david and simon during their trip on the private jet, that way they had nowhere to escape to.
confident, the two ladies boarded the private jet and greeted ant and dec who were already sat in their seats. when the girls got to the door after the set of stairs, ant and dec got out of their seats to hug and greet them. next, there was david, who kissed them both on the cheek, and they exchanged their 'hello's' and 'how are you's'
lastly there was simon in the back seat who typically had his sunglasses on, and was resting his head on the leather couch.
"took you two long enough." simon said casually as he hugged them and said hello.
after they were both seated, simon alerted his assistant to tell the pilot that they were all ready for takeoff.
flying in a private jet was more of a luxury becausd it was less complex than flying commercial, and simon simply preffered it because of the privacy and flexibility it gave him. but on this flight, simon wasnt getting any privacy at all, because as soon as the plane was stable and everyone was comfortable, alesha and amanda marched all the way up to where simon and the rest of the boys were sitting.
ant and dec were sitting next to eachother, as usual, with simon on the window seat and david in between, and stephen on the other side.
alesha and amanda had the whole front of the plane to themselves as all the boys insisted sitting in the back was cool because 'the cool kids would sit in the back of the bus' according to stephen.
after marching up to the back of the bus, amanda began their long and well rehearsed speech.
"now, we've got a bone to pick with you two." amanda pokes david and simon playfully and the boys start to become interested to what she had to say.
under his breath, simon whispered oh god and david also muttered some profanities.
"why, and you cant get out of this now, did you give david your dresding room?"
"and why are you so insistent on hiding the reason why?" alesha added.

simon mentally wanted to scream his head off at this moment because he didnt know what david was going to say. panic erupted into his body and his eyes darted to the number of drinks on the table in front of them, trying to see how many david had.
"me and david..." simon cleared his throat, trying to stall as he came up with a good excuse.
anything. come on. anything other than that you're cheating on your wife. that you bring a bunch of strippers round every night and how of all people, david fucking walliams ended up catching you.
"we're dating!" david continued simon's sentence enthusiastically.
after the words escaped his lips the cast of bgt erupted into laughter, and various jokes were said, like " hes had too mant to drink" and "could you imagine that?"
after the laughter died down amanda repeated the question and asked them to be serious.
simon took a deep breath and said
"that is highly inaccurate, david. i mean, he took me to a club, we got drunk, i made a few calls and now hes got my dressing room." the lie escaped from his lips so casually and normally. he shrugged his shoulders and crossrd his legs to show how relaxed he was.
"so that explains why you were embarassed about it" alesha responded
"that makes alot of sense."

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