The Hospital

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Harry sat next to Draco's bed holding his hand while he slept. They had been there for a couple hours and were now waiting for the healer.

A short woman with black hair pulled into a pony tail finally walked in "Draco Malfoy?" She asked kind of loud.

"Shhhhhh he hasn't slept in days." Harry whispered.

"Right. I'm terribly sorry." She whispered. "I'm healer Fran. We finally got the test results back."

"How bad is it healer?" Harry asked.

"Well he has multiple lacerations in his rectal cavity, one big enough we'll have to do surgery to repair. We'll also need to test him for HIV in a few months. Other than that, he'll be fine with no permanent damage. I'm worried about his mind though. I'm going to recommend a few mind healers for him to see. He'll also need the support of all his friends and loved ones." She replied.

"Thank you, healer." Harry rubbed Draco's hand with his thumb.

"I'll be back soon to prep him for surgery." She gave Harry a nod and left the room.

Harry brushed some hair out of Draco's face and Draco shot up in bed screaming.

"Shhh shh baby. Its ok. I'm here, you're safe my love." Harry whispered as he wrapped his arms around Draco and stroked his hair.

"Where am I? "Draco cried quietly.

"You're in the hospital, love." Harry replied.

"I remember now. You saved me." Draco tightened his grip on Harry. "Thank you."

"Of course, Draco. I love you and I'm here to protect you." Harry kisses the top of Draco's head and caressed his face. Draco tilted his head up and kissed Harry's lips ever so gently. Harrys heart melted. He kissed Draco back putting all of his emotion into it, wishing it would take away all of Draco's pain.

"I love you so much, Harry." Draco whisper against Harry's lips.

"I love you too, Draco." Harry whispered as he gently laid Draco down in the bed, "now relax, my love, the healers will be back soon to prepare you for surgery."

"Surgery!?" Draco's eyes went wide.

"Shhhhh its nothing serious just a few lacerations they need to fix. There's no permanent damage. Everything's going to be ok. I'll be here when you get out." Harry soothed.

" okay." Draco said, "Can you lay next to me?"

Without another word Harry crawled into bed next to Draco and wrapped him in his arms. 

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