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I know you're all waiting for the next chapter but something has come up.
I'm okay, not harmed but my emotional state is a wreck.

My old dog, Charlie, has been put down due to illness. I saw him every Wednesday as he lived at my Bampi's house. He was a sheep dog and 12 years old. He wasn't eating, drinking and he was constantly being sick. They took him to the vet to find he had a liver or kidney problem (one of the two I'm not sure). They put him to sleep so he could rest easy.
Why am I telling you this? I have no idea.
I do miss him and even though I won't be crying for much longer, I need to make my peace with it. It was for him so he would not suffer.

I'll be taking some time off. I might reply to some comments I don't know...

I'll try to write a new chapter as soon as I'm ready, but I'm not sure when that will be. A few weeks at most.

I'm really sorry for making you wait.

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