Access Granted

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Hi guys! I am sorry for the long wait! I am going to be updating more frequently! (I hope)

If you want this story to continue please let me know because I prioritize updating the stories that have the most interest of readers. I'll fix grammar stuff as I go. Love y'all! Hope you enjoy this part! 💙

Jack Morrison's P.O.V.

I looked frantically around the room looking for anyway to get myself out of this situation.

I need a gun or something...

My eyes continue to dart as some of the men begin to open their eyes and become aware of their surroundings.

Then my eyes find what I need, a pistol. I ran over to one of the men's bodies and pulled the weapon from their holster.

A man rose from across the room, almost confused and unsure of what occurred. I immediately aimed the gun at him.

"Are you Jack Morrison? Oh my- woah there buddy, no need to do that!" He puts his hands up and was on sudden alert. "Where am I? My head is killing me..."

I stood there frozen in my tracks. How could he not remember? I didn't hit him that hard.

"You don't know...?" Uncertainty filled my voice.

"I remember being at the gala with my wife...but now I can't find her...!" The man looks around in horror. "Where is my wife?!" He seemed very distraught.

Did he get unbrainwashed by his head injury?

Many of my other previous aggressors were rising from their naps in confusion just as this other man.

I put my pistol down as I surveyed the room.

"Machinery Corp did this to you people," I said, mostly to myself. "And now it's gone."

Conversation filled the room as I began to think long and hard about my options.

I need to get [y/n] no matter what. Maybe these men will help me get out of this room...

What if they are faking it though? I can't be played right now...[y/n]'s life is at stake.

"Gentlemen," I began. "Will you help me open this door? That main guy took one of my operatives away. She was unconscious the last time I saw her, so I am very worried about her safety and well-being." I held my breath, waiting for them to respond.

The men looked at me, their original harsh eyes from the first time I saw them were now soft and understanding.

"Of course we will," the first guy who woke up responded. He searched his pockets, as if looking for a way to open the door. The other men did the same, hearing the urgency in Morrison's voice.

"Got it!" One of the men exclaimed. He took out an access grantable ID card that would open the door.

I could barely keep my tears of joy back as it was placed in my hands. I raced to the ID scanner.

"Access Granted." A robotic voice answered my prayers.

The doors opened, and I could not help but feel myself let out a sigh of relief.

This really could have turned out worse.

As I took a step out I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Hm?" I look back, seeing all the men watching me.

"We are all with you, 100% of the way, Morrison." The man from before announced. There were unanimous grunts in agreement within the room.

I couldn't help but smile back at them.

Now I must save [y/n] as she has saved me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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