Chapter 1

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"Rain, wake up. We have to go to the assembly," my mother said.

"Can't I stay home and pretend to be sick?" I asked.

"No Rain. Maybe you should have come home earlier last night," she said.

"Okay okay I'll get up," I mumbled.

"Get dressed," my mother said.

I got dressed in my usual attire. The attire that marks me as a 16 year old. It's a light and flexible outfit, blue leggings and a matching t-shirt. Today is the assembly that reminds us of our duty to uphold the standards of our ancestors.

Basically our job is to get paired with some other 17 year old who has acne problems and hormones and repopulate. We have about three years to get to know our partner. In that time frame the girls have to get knocked up.

My mother and I head to the city hall where all assemblies are held. Where in 2 weeks I will become an active member of society. First we have our interviews which are held tomorrow where we will be rated about things like our personality, beauty, and intelligence. Our rate will determine who we will get paired with.

"Good morning, Oasis. We are here to remember what our duties are. We are here to ensure our future. And we are here to remember the dark times that we have escaped," Our mayor asserted.

His deep voice echoed.

A video projector showed us a video that started with the bombings of the end of the world. The countries that were formed began fighting with nuclear bombs. We were lucky to survive. The bombs wiped out 95.5% of the world.

The next clip shows the founder of the Oasis who created a safe haven for the survivors. The founder also created a mandate that every citizen upon turning 17 must be paired up with another citizen to repopulate so we can ensure our survival as a human race.

I scoffed.

Since when does an old white man decide what a woman can and can't do with her body. Am I right?

The video ends.

We all clap like 'yes men'.

"We'd like to thank the citizens who have rightfully paired up in the Oasis and have taken part in saving the human species," the mayor nods.

I look at my parents who are clapping. My mother looks neutral while my father wears a frown.

We go back home.

My mother decides to make my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes.

"Mom?" I start.

"Yes hun?" She asks.

"What do you think of the pairing?" I ask.

"Well, it caused me to meet your father," she replied in a light tone.

"But don't you think it's unfair?" I asked.

"The interviews are supposed to ensure that it's a fair process," she seems to recite from memory.

"Yeah I know. But being forced into marriage and procreation is crazy. I'm just 16," I say trying to get a reaction.

"You'll soon be 17," she says.

I can swear I hear a sad tone when she says that.

"Were you worried for your interview?" I ask.

"Yes. I was worried I would get paired with someone I didn't like," she said.

That night while I was laying in bed I heard some talking.

I walked slowly toward the dining room and stopped when I could hear the talking but not be seen.

"She's only 16. And 17 doesn't magically make her an adult! How can we let our child be paired up?" My dad said.

"Nathan it's the system in place," my mother said.

"Catherine can't you see that the system is corrupt?" He exclaimed.

"Nathan, what have you heard in the office?" My mother asks.

"I overheard some of my supervisors talking and they said they get the best girls for their sons. They have a say," dad winced.

"You don't mean—

"Yes some girls get sent off to rich teens solely based on their looks," dad said.

"Nathan we can't do anything," my mother said.

"What if she ran away?" He asks.

"Where to?" My mom asks.

"There's rumors of a city. She could make it if she went East. I heard it's a bearable trip," he replied.

How was I going to survive a trip in the barren lands? Could I even make it?

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