Luna Finally on the Red Velvet (Ch. 13)

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An indescribable feeling rushed through every limb in my body as we pulled to the front of his house. I was sure that Tate had already planned today. Who knows what lied in his hands. Or maybe in his bed. Me perhaps? I looked forward to every second of today.
Tate pulled me into the doors of his mansion I had wondered constantly how I'd ended up in Tate's glamorous life. He had the life of a movie star. His house, his family still looking young despite their true ages, his cars. His life was too amazing. How I ended up in it? Unknown. But I was so glad I was here even though I could disappear never to be seen again at any given moment. Hopefully the tumor could be removed. The doctors said it was operable which meant I was barely able to make it but it will happen thanks to the surgery.
I was led into the kitchen by my large handed boyfriend to meet his mother standing at the island drinking iced water with lemons and cucumber from a capped athletic cup. She was looking down at a magazine below her.
"Hi Brandy!" I said cheerfully trying to get her attention. She looked up startled. As soon as she had recognized my pale face a smile spread across her face, from ear to ear.
"Baby girl!" She ran towards me arms open, embracing me in a tight hug. She pulled away and adjusted her purple Nike zip up jacket.
"How are you feeling, my love?" She looked at me with loving eyes and a light smile. I could tell Tate had told her everything. Good and bad. His mother was someone he had told every detail to. They were so close just like my mother and I.
"I'm feeling better. Thank you. Still in pain but it's life. What's to expect when you have a tumor in your brain?" I laughed. I had just learned to make jokes of my tumor. It would be gone sooner or later. Or maybe not. But I had to live with it for the time being. Brandy smiled at me with a kind, meaningful smile.
"Were off mom. We'll be in my room if you need us." Tate said to his mom. With his mothers nod of approval I was pulled to his room.
The smell of his room was always super comforting. A combination of his Hollister colognes and vanilla.
Tate closed the door behind him and grabbed a movie and put it in to the player and turned the volume high. I stood by the side of his bed, admiring his white v-neck adorning his toned torso and tight blue jeans clinging to his muscular thighs. God, he was sexy. I just wanted to tear everything off like an animal and pleasure my prey.
Tate walked over to me seductively and picked me up by my waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I kissed his neck and made my way up to his amazing plump lips. We explored every detail of each other's mouth I pulled at the nape of his neck for him to release a throaty moan. He caressed my thighs as he set me on the edge of the bed and kissed heavily at my neck giving me chills down my spine. He knew the most sensitive parts of my neck although he's never explored every part of my body. A knock came upon the door causing Tate to pull away fast.
"Come in" he called. The door open as I stood next to Tate. Brandy walked through the door.
"Sorry for interrupting guys. I'll be back in a few hours I'm going to have lunch Aunt Lila." she smiled.
"Have a great time. Be careful. I love you." he responded.
"Bye Brandy." I smiled. She closed the door after saying goodbye. As soon as the door latched shut Tate turned back to me with a smirk. He towered behind me as he wrapped his muscular arms around my small waist. His large hands travelled to my breast as he gently massaged it and left gentle kisses on my neck. I could feel his length hardening against my backside.

"Babe.." He moaned, I could feel his hot breath tickle my neck. His muscular, sexy arms groping around my body as he gently placed kisses down my neck. The dim light setting the perfect mood. I let out a quiet moan as his wet lips trailed over my neck.

He quickly jerked my body around. Giggling as he pulled me on to the red velvet sheets of the bed and laid on top of me. His giggle, so damn seductive. Our lips crashed and his tongue swirled on the inside of my mouth.

Was this happening? The most popular & sexy guy in school lying on top of me, the most quiet & shy girl in school,reaching for the buttons on my shirt?

I think so. And it felt so wrong, but so damn right.

But there was that one thing holding me back. I had to resist the urge to get attached because in the end it would be cancer. Who attached to me with a chokehold and never let go until I took my last gasp for air.

But I don't see why I thought that the tumors could hold me back. I was here it was now. It was happening and nothing. Not even a cancerous tumor could hold me back.

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