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Zain's Pov

Empty. That's how I was feeling right now as I saw the girl, I feel for walk away with her father. Her face looked pale as she looked at me for the last time.

I saw a tear roll down her eye as she wiped it before her father could see it and I felt my heart shatter at that look on her face.

This wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought we were meant to be.

Last three days with her were magical, we spent all the time with each other and yeah maybe sometime with the boys but they didn't mind me spending my time with the girl who stole my heart.

Aria was the first and the only girl I had felt for, and it will be hard to forget her.
And I'm not planning on doing so.

It was her eyes that made my eyes flutter the first time I saw her at the airport. She was standing there beside her father taking her surrounding in.

Her laugh was another factor that made me want to keep looking at her forever. Her smile is the best. She is the best.

When we argued the first time, I could tell the girl was full of wit and adorableness. She looked nervous when she thought she had missed her plane and that's when I took hold of Ranbir and pulled him with me and purposely bumped with her to tell her that she still hasn't missed her plane and she should remove those worry lines from her forehead.

When her face turned to relief and we left, Ranbir kept giving me weird glances and I know that idiot won't leave me until he knows what's up.

I smiled as I remembered all the days of the trip and all the moments we shared together.

It was yesterday when we exchanged our phone numbers and decided to give long distance relationship a chance. We also exchanged our emails just in case.

"Dude she's gone, get out of it." Ranbir slapped my back making me aware that we are still at the airport waiting for Aarav's parents to pick us all up.

I looked at Ranbir and sighed, he knows I'm missing Aria terribly and he gave me an encouraging smile and pulled me for a bro hug. I gave him a small smile and looked towards the boys.

What had I ever done to get stuck with them? Abeer and Aarav were fucking arguing over who would eat the last piece of gems. And Varun just ignored them and had his phone in his hand.

"You can't eat it, it's green." Aarav says and Abeer makes a face.

"That doesn't even make sense, what happens if it is green?"

"Your shit would turn green." Aarav says with a smirk and Abeer makes a disgusted face.

"You're impossible," Abeer says handing over the piece to Aarav. "I don't even feel like eating it anymore."

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