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Aria's Pov

Entering my new class felt different, there were lots of students who were involved in themselves or talking to others.

I looked around to find myself a seat to sit when my eyes fell on a boy with a book in his hand. And not any book, it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, one of my favourite series.

I instantly walked over to him and noticed that he was sitting alone. I stood before him and sensing me standing there the boy looked up and gave me a confused look.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" I asked pointing a seat beside him. Understanding dawn upon him and he shook his head and moved aside to make some space for me.

I smiled and took a seat beside him. "Hey, I'm Aira." I say striking a conversation.

The boy who had went back to reading, closed the book momentarily and looked at me and gave me a smile. "Raghav," he introduced himself. "I'm guessing you're new here." He says and I nod my head.

"So, you're a harry potter fan too?" I ask and he looked amused and suddenly a smiled came upon his face.

"Absolutely, and not just this," he says and leans forward. "I read romance novels too." He whispers and I laugh.

"No need to hide, I'm a romance geek too." I reply with a wink and he chuckles and was about to say something when a teacher walked in.

"Hello class, I'm Prof. Bhatt you're class moderator for this year." She says and everyone groans loudly which she ignores with a glare and continues talking something about the books we have to purchase in order to attend next class.

"Why did everyone groan when she said she was our-" I asked but Raghav answered me before I can even complete the sentence.

"She gives plenty.... plenty of homework and if someone fails to do it, she makes them clean her classroom for the day, I mean just imagine the scenarios." He says and my eyes widen.

She sounds scary. Scary then Annabelle.

When the lecture was finished, everyone sighed in relief. "She even sounds scary." I say to Raghav as he nods his head.

"I'll tell you everything on the lunch period, that is if you're young to sit with me?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Of course, you're the first person I've talked to since I entered the college, I don't know anyone else." Except maybe for my ex-boyfriend, his friends and those two sweet girls who showed me the way to my class but it's not important.

It's not like I'm going to go talk to them or they would come and talk to me. No chance.

Once the lunch period came, everyone ran out of the class as me and Raghav walked towards cafeteria. "By the way, never order non-veg food from the cafeteria, once half of the people went sick after eating it, but still this college cooks them." He says shaking his head and I nod.

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