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Aria's Pov

"Is this the correct address?" My dad asked me as we drove towards Ahana's place. After she invited me last night, I thought about all the odds and came up with that there is no harm in hanging out with the girls. It's not liked the boys will be with them so it's cool.

"Yeah I think so," I mumbled as I looked at the map on my phone. "A left from that corner." I say and dad took a turn as said, we drove straight for two minutes when my phone beeped telling me we've reached. I looked around at the surroundings, it was a colony sort of houses. And her house was at the end, a very beautiful one at that.

I came out of the car and looked at the name plate outside the house and was confirmed it was Ahana's when I saw her surname. Earlier I asked Raghav about her surname in case I needed it.

"Call me when you're done, okay?" My dad asked from inside and I nod. "Reminds me I have to buy you a transportation now." He says shaking his head reminding himself as he sped over making me chuckle.

I walked towards the door and rung the bell. After seconds Ahana opened the door looking all messed up. Her face was all filled with dough, her hairs were tangled in each other's and her hands were wet indicating she washed her hands before opening the door.

"Hi," I say and her eyes lightened up looking at me.

"Aria hi, I almost thought you wouldn't come." She says opening the door wide as I saw her living room where Kaira was sprawled on the couch eating popcorn while watching Frozen.

"Oh, don't mind her, she goes to hibernation whenever she is at my place." Ahana says and walks towards Kaira who still hasn't seen me. Ahana went and smacked her head making her wince.

"What the- oh, hey aria." Kaira say as soon as she spots me standing there and I gave her a little wave. "Come here." She says sitting down and making some space for me.

"So, tell me something about you?" Ahana says sitting on one of the sofas and giving me a curious smile.

"There's not much to tell really," I say and I suddenly smelt a burning smell hit my nostrils. "Uh...I smell something burning." I say and look at the girls.

Ahana looked confused when suddenly her face morphed into horror. "Oh shoot, my cake." She says running inside the kitchen with me and Kaira following behind.

"Are you serious? This is the third cake you've burnt." Kaira says helping her remove the cake from the oven while I looked at them amused.

These girls are...weird, more like unique.

"I tell you this girl can't bake a cake but still she wants to do it." Kaira tells me as Ahana looks at her black burnt cake and try cutting it with a knife.

"Instead of complaining, come and help me cut it." Ahana says while Kaira roll her eyes going towards her.

"That cake won't cut even if you try to break it with a rock," Kaira says making Ahana glare at her.

"Do you need help with the cake?" I say for the first time I've entered in the kitchen. Both the girls look at me surprised.

"Do you know how to bake?" Ahana asks me and I nod. Her face then suddenly lightens up.

"PERFECT." she exclaimed and put the burnt cake aside. "I can finally show that boys that even girls can bake the cake." She says and I chuckle.

"Why? What happened?" I ask as I sorted out the things I would be needing for baking.

"Ranbir happened, he said he and Zain make good partners and baked us a chocolate cake today and challenged us to do one." She says and my eyes widen.

"They can bake?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah I know it's unbelievable right?" Kaira asks removing batter for the cake.

"Totally," I say when I felt something brush at my feet. Confused I looked down when I saw small black eyes looking up at me and I backed away with a shrill cry.

"Ahh...there's something down there." I yelled pointing towards the kitchen cabinet and showing it to the girls when they came to me asking what happened.

"Down wher- oh, it's coco." Ahana say and gets down bringing out what looked like a small dog out of the cabinet where it was hidden.

"You naughty boy, you scared her." She said trying to scold him but the dog just licked her cheek in return making her giggle. She looked back at me and smiled, "This is coco and coco this is Aria, my friend, so you better don't scare her again." she say forwarding the dog towards me.

I looked at the dog as it stared back at me with his tongue hanging out. I took hold of the dog hesitantly and got surprised when it licked me too.

"See he likes you." Kaira says rubbing the dog's fur. Maybe I should stop calling him a dog now. What was his name again...oh yes coco?

"He's cute." I say and they smile. I put him back down and turn towards the counter. "Let's start." I say and they beamed standing beside me.

The next hour went in baking the cake and now we've kept it in the refrigerator to cool it. We made a butterscotch cake and kept the decoration to minimum because we didn't have enough supplies.

"I'm extremely sorry, I called you to hang out here and you had to cook us a cake instead." Ahana says looking apologetic.

"Hey no worries, I enjoy baking." I say and remember my mom giving me classes. "So, when did -" I was cut off when someone rang the bell.

"Were we expecting some one?" Kaira asks Ahana and she shakes her head in negative. Kaira stands up and walks towards the door to answer it.

Soon I heard muffled voices of boys and my back suddenly stiffened. Ahana noticed my panicked look and gave me a worried glance. "Hey you okay?" She asks but I shake my head in a no and stand up.

"I want to hide and please don't tell the boys that I'm here." I say to her and her eyes widened.

"What? Why-"

"I'll tell you later just hide me, please." Hearing the desperation in my voice she stood up and took my hand and pulled me upstairs where I assumed her room was.

"Stay here." She says and closed the door. I opened the door a little so I can see and hear what is going on.

"Hey where did you go? And where is Ar-" Kaira asked but Ahana cut her off with a glare. Kaira looked at her confused then behind her at the boys who came in with boxes in their hands which looked like pizza boxes.

"Hey corgi," Ranbir says to Ahana and bent down to pick coco up.

Corgi? What is corgi?

"We brought the latest movies," Abeer says walking towards the tv set as Ahana took a glance towards where I was hiding.

Zain came in behind them and went to the kitchen bringing a water bottle along with him as he sat on the couch with his phone while he drank water.

"Yeah and FOOD." That was without any doubt Aarav, who came and sat on the couch beside Zain already starting to eat.

Why the hell are they all here? Ahana said no boys would be at her place today?

"Hey whose purse is this?" Varun asks and my eyes widen as he takes hold of my purse and inspect it.

"Mine." I cringed hard as soon as Kaira and Ahana both said it at the same time.

Ranbir looks up from coco towards them, Zain stops scrolling his phone and looks up, Aarav stops eating his pizza and stares at them, Abeer looks behind him from between putting in the movie and Varun who stood with the purse stared at them wide eyed.

Oh, good God.★★★

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