Chapter 2

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Julian flinched hearing the knock, shuffling from the blankets, he wiped the little bit of tears that had slipped his eyes. His nose a pastel red from the light weep. He creaked the door, skimmed outside, then opened it all the way when he recognized him. With little steps that pitter-patter on the cold tile, he walked towards and hugged the man, huffing softly in a sort of relief. "I missed you." he laughed softly, hearing him and pulling back. "No, i"m okay, just a little anxious was all. Besides, they wouldn't let you stay the night anyways, it's not allowed. I'm alright on my own though, I can get over it." he muttered, a hand on the back of his own neck, kneading at any tension as if he'd been asleep and not staring at the wall in hopes this exact situation would happen where he got to see Rihan again.

Rihan smiles as he's hugged and wraps his arm around Julian's waist. He tilts his head down and kisses the other's forehead, meaning it in a comforting yet also affectionate way. "I missed you too. Are you sure?" He said while tapping Julian's pocket where he slipped a phone and charger into it. The tapping done to the phone being a silent message that Julian was to contact him if he needed anything at all. "It's a gift and use it however you like. If you need me in any way even if just to hear my voice then contact me no matter the time." He whispers to Julian just loud enough so he could hear it but low enough that others couldn't. "Here's something that might cheer you up and have something to hold onto. I was told I pretty much have the job and I only need to pass the background check which I know I will. However even if I didn't get the job I'd still cone visit you" he said while rubbing soothing circles into Julian's hip.

Julian blushed at the kiss, bringing his hand up from around the other's shoulders to touch the spot where his lips pressed. "I'm sure, you're gonna have to be tough with me I guess cause I get anxious pretty easily." he joked, huffing and rolling his pretty green eyes at himself. Returning his attention to the man, he brought his gaze down to his hand, his head brushing the other's chest as he did so. Bringing his own hand down to meet the others, he felt at the phone in his pocket. "That's- you don't have to do that, really." he whispered, a worried look pressing at the other. "But.. thank you." he smiled. Humming in pleasure at the massaging at his hip, he pulled him in a tighter embrace. "Thank you so much, for everything." he said softly, close to the others ear.

"I'll most likely spoil you instead and no need to thank me but you're welcome." He said while nuzzling into Julian's hair. Memorizing the other's scent and enjoying the embrace. He squeezes Julian's hip reassuringly, making sure he didn't squeeze too hard. "I mean it Jewel. If you're needing me to help with an anxiety attack or just to talk use that to contact me. I don't want you feeling like you have to go through it alone." He said in a firm yet caring voice. A voice laced in concern and fondness at the same time. Rihan being reluctant to leave starting stalling for time by humming a soothing tune to Julian. He kept an eye closed, only wanting Julian to see both open. His open eye watching out for the warden.

Julian purred at every contact, his hands absently kneading at the other's back. He pressed his cheek into the others shoulder and stayed like that for a bit, hearing him but only making soft agreeing hums in response. Finally, he forced himself away from the warmth, thinking upon the time and realizing Rihan probably had to leave at some point. He frowned at the thought, his hands playing in the rim of his sweater. "I'll call you if I get anxious, then." he assured, his voice not going past a whisper. It was late, past what he would say was his normal bedtime, and while he was tired, he didn't want to watch the man go.

He hums and moves his hand to the small of Julian's back. He smiles at him and leads him into his room to his bed. "It's late. You must be tired. I'll stay til you fall asleep." He said while pulling his own phone out and sending the warden a text letting him know that he was getting Julian calm and to sleep before going home. Rihan refused to leave while his Jewel was anxious. "This way you don't have to say goodbye and can wake up to be possibly already being back" he said to Julian while putting his phone back into his pocket. In all honestly he hoped the warden would make an exception this once to letting him stay since it was late.

My Precious JewelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora