Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Nura: Rise of The Yokai Clan

The blonde was quiet for the entire car ride, not recognizing most of the music Rihan played on the radio and not recognizing the sights that flashed by the window. He never looked away from the window. The sights he'd been deprived of all soaring past him on the ride "home". Upon arriving he couldn't peel his eyes from the large place (See photo above), his gaze lingering on the outskirts before resting on Rihan and finally hearing his question. "Um, Dez let me share a room with him cause I got bad anxiety at night in a new place, but I can move into another room after. Or I can sleep in another room now if you want it's not that big of a deal." he'd say, stammering over the second sentence. He'd stand beside him, following wherever Rihan went. He stuck close to his side, on his heels like a lost puppy, when his gaze met the kids and he smiled warmly, waving in their direction.

"You can stay with me Jewel" he said while walking into the house and leading the younger to his room. Clearing a book case top for the tank. "I think they look too here" he said while looking at Julian, his closed eye opening to gaze into Julian's bright eyes. "Would you like to meet the children, eat or both first?" He asks while pulling a box from on to of his desk "I'll trade ya. I'll place the tank on the bookshelf and you open this" he smiles and gently moves Julian behind him as a young woman with long brown hair and a kimono walks to the open door. The kimono being worn in a way to bare her shoulders as if for easier movement in fights. "Koujiro can you take Rikuo and Tsurara to the tea room, our new house mate wishes to meet them"

(Only with water and Koi like described)

After the contents were revealed, he slowly peeled them from the box, and set the box on top of the dresser. He'd wave it out, taking a minute to become swallowed in the gorgeous fabric. The smile on his face tore his cheeks, and he'd quickly turn to embrace the man in a sweet hug. The blonde was easily amused by many things, but he was especially excited for this. It was as if he had received acceptance to the family off the bat, to him at least. Hugging Rihan tight on his shoulders, he'd squeeze but his body didn't muster up much force. "Thank yoouuu!" he'd squeak in delight. He was incredibly grateful and appreciative of the gift, and he wanted Rihan to know this. "I love it~" he'd muffle into his shoulder, the fabric held tightly between his tightly clenched fist. "Do you want me to wear it now, or after I meet the children." he'd hum, tilting his head. His joyful gaze bleeding into Rihan.

He smiles at the positive reaction and hugs Julian back. He was happy the younger loved his gift. Upon hearing his voice he listens to the blonde's words. "I'm glad you like it, Tsurara and Koujiro made it upon my request. I'm glad I picked that design and coloring. It looks stunning on you." He says while rubbing his thumb on Julian's hip in an absentminded manner. "You may wear it whenever you please and with you living here you'll gain many more of them." He informs while trailing his hand up from the younger's hip and to his head to dive his fingers into blonde strands. "Anything you need or want can be yours just let me know." He says as he holds Julian closer being sure to keep his ebony hair out of the blonde's face. Rihan didn't want to let go in all honestly to him it felt natural to hold Julian in his arms.

Julian pressed closer to him, his face hidden in Rihan's shoulder, cheek pressed against the fabric. He moved his hands to the others back, one occupied by the kimono, the other hanging limply from his broader shoulder. He sighed softly, letting himself relax into his arms. Pressing his thighs together, giving his hips a slightly plumper appearance. The fat he'd develop from sitting around in a hospital room all day making him easier to grip onto. ((idk :b im just typing at this point)) He'd tend to avoid the yard. An entire field of mentally ill fully grown men without a bodyguard? No, thank you. Julian knew he was of the smaller type, and he honestly didn't stand a chance. "I'll wear it after, so they see me how I am naturally." He hummed softly, his feathery voice drifting into the others ears. He'd let his juniper orbits flutter closed when the other's fingers laced through his hair. He'd felt equally as relaxed in the man's arms then any other, as if Rihan's chest was home, his arms the white picket fence. Everything perfect and in it's place. He wouldn't be the one to pull away this time.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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