Chapter 1: Break

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"I said, where is she?" I repeated for the fifth time. "I told you, I don't know!" Whimpered the man that was currently tied up to a wooden chair. "Please, how could you not know where your own girlfriend is?" He remained silent. "Let me tell you this." I sat down on the victims lap, a cunning smile on my lips. "When you don't know where your baby is, it means you've lost her." I took out my gun and aimed it at his chest. "...To another man."

A loud bang echoed in the dark, abandoned warehouse. "Was that really necessary?" "He was useless anyways." I sighed as I strided twords my dear friend. "Ring up the others, tell them it got...messy." "With you it always does." He mumbled as he took out his phone and dialed a number.

I sat down in the dark van, taking out a notebook from under the seat. I grabbed a red pen and crossed out the name of the person I had just killed. "God damn it... We've already went through half the list, yet no luck..." "Maybe it's because you keep killing them?" "Doubt that." He started the engine, driving away from the area as quick as possible. Police would be here any minute.

Once we arrived at our destination we both hopped out of the car, heading straight for the hidden door at the back of a sketchy looking alleyway. Once inside we were greeted by the regular. Two people sitting at the laptops, probably hacking something or gathering information, one person at the back on some phone call, and last but not least, splat in the middle, on the black, sleek couch sat two very dangerous people.

My boss, also known as our leader, and his brother.

"Alright you two, come here." Obeying his words, we both sat down next to each other, right across from the man calling us. "Who killed him?" "I did." He sighed. "You do know we don't have alot of leads left, right?" I nodded. "God damn it, Y/n...You have to stop being so reckless! You haven't even been there for ten minutes yet when you called saying they were dead!" He sighed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose out of stress. "Next time you're staying here. I'm sending out Mina with Jae instead of you." "What?! Mina?! Sir, she isn't nearly as good as me!" A forced cough came from the said girl sitting at one of the laptops. "Sorry Mina, love you..." She rolled her eyes.

"I want everyone out. It's late, and some of you have a big day ahead of you." He stood up. "Y/n, would you mind staying behind for a second? I have something I want to discuss with you."

Once everyone excluding me and the boss had left, it was just the two of us. "Y/n, I know you're probably pissed at me for replacing you with Mina." "You've got that right...Sir..." "You don't have to be so formal. Just call me by my real name. Everyone else does. Why's that so hard for you?" I shrugged. "Don't know." "Anyways..." He continued. "I want you to take a break for a while. Relax. Have some time to yourself. Once we've figured out our target's location, you're back in the game." "But sir- I mean, Jiyong...This could go on for weeks! Months! What on earth am I supposed to do?!" "Try socialising, Y/n." He started putting on his jacket. "People aren't so bad once you get to know them." He winked as he left the room.

"You have got to be kidding me." I sighed as I herd the engine of his car start up, before slowly getting quieter and quieter as it drove away.

After locking up the door, I started walking to my apartment. Jae gave me a ride here, but that jackass already left.

Once I finally made it home, I went straight to bed. I was exhausted. For the past month all I've been doing was tracking people down, running away from the police and aiming guns at people.

Life in a gang isn't easy, I'll tell you that. And to be honest, with how reckless I am, I'm surprised that I'm still alive.


And that's the first chapter! I know it's pretty short, and the next few chapters will be aswell, but don't worry! That's just before we get into the main plot! Then there's gonna be longer chapters!

Ksksksk I'm really excited to start this book!

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and'll stay for the rest because once we get into the main plot...oh boy... that's when things get interesting..

Hope you have a great day/night! 💜💜💜

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