Chapter 4: Seduce him

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19:05 - Tuesday, July 9th

My body froze as we stood infront of the glass doors. Behind you could see people dancing, drinking, making out, the usual you'd expect to see at a club. The doors opened and we walked inside, following Jiyoung as he lead the way to the V.I.P. area.

We walked around the dancefloor which was the same as the one before, crowded, and walked up a spiral staircase leading to the booths.

Once the three of us were all seated, Jackson pulled out a laptop and started doing what I'm guessing would be hacking. He's not as good as Kai, but since this is suppoused to be a secret among the others, no one else was allowed to come.

"Alright Y/n, he doesn't seem to be here yet," Jiyong said as he observed the first floor. "But when he does, I want you to go down and slowly approach him. After that do whatever you have to do to get the information  we need. Got it?" I gulped nervously before nodding slowly.


17:36 - Earlier that day

"Alright Y/n, today is most likely the day you're gonna get killed." I stared at the outfit that was laid down on my bed before hesitantly putting it on.

It was a tight, black dress that went down to just above my knees. It was strapless, meaning it had a zip at the back. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach it.

"Dammit." I mumbled as I tried  grasping it. "Just gotta...put my hand... back here and then..." Just as I was about to grab the zip, I ended up tripping over the rug, pathetically falling down on top of it. "Ow..."

"You okay there?" Called Jiyong from the living room. "Uh, yeah! I'm ok!" "I'm gonna go wait in the car outside then. We have to leave in half an hour, so don't take too long." "Ok, I'll  be out in a bit...!"

I looked at myself in the mirror. "Forget the zip, I need to do my hair and makeup." In a hurry, I grabed a makeup palette out of a drawer, almost breaking it in the process. "What the- Where'd the brush go?!" Putting the palette back where I found it, I searched through my room in desperate need for a makeup brush.

"Here it is!" I said delightfully as I crawled under the bed. "How'd you end up here?"

With cherry rep lips and a glissening, bronze eye shadow, my face was finally finished within ten minutes.

After curling my hair and putting on a pair of black stilettos, I gave myself a final look in the mirror. "Perfect." I smiled, only to soon be replaced by a frown. "...I just realised that this entire time I was worring more about getting killed and not about how slutty this is."

I stepped out of my room, hurrying to the main door when I saw Jackson, Jiyongs' brother, sitting on the couch in the living room. "Jackson! I thought you went to the car with Jiyong?" "No, I waited here for you to finish." "Right...Right, well um..We should...We should go." I pointed awkwardly twords the door.

Just as I was about to open it, I felt his hands on my back. "Wait," My breath got caught as I froze on the spot. "Forgot something." He zipped up my dress. "Right...Um...Thanks..." I might just be overthinking, but it seemed as if his hands lingered longer than they should have on my dress.


Present time

Remembering that moment from earlier, I blushed slightly as I glanced at Jackson.

The next half an hour went by slowly. A few drinks here and there, unfortunately non-alcoholic since Jiyong wouldn't risk us getting drunk while on a mission. Which is pretty understandable I guess. I don't know about them two, but I have a pretty low alcohol tolerance.

"Y/n. He's here." I got up from the couch, taking in a deep breath as I stared down at the dance floor. "Jackson hacked into the cameras, if anything happens we'll go down and help you. Take this ear piece. You won't be able to hear us but we'll be able to hear you and the people nearby. Whatever you do...Don't. Get. Caught."

I nodded as I put the small device on my ear. It was disguised as an earring so hopefully no one'll find out what it really is.

Carefully walking down the stairs, I kept repeating the same sentance in my head. 'Don't get caught. Don't get caught.'

Just as I was about to walk up to him, he went past me with a group of people up to the god damn booths.

You have got to be kidding me.

To avoid suspicion, I stayed down on the first floor for a while, dancing a bit to the music all while I kept an eye on the man seated above.

After about five minutes, he got up from the couch and sat down at the bar.


I left the crowd and once again made my way twords the stairs. I took the empty seat next to him at the bar, a smirk appeared my face as I spoke. "Hey." I twirled a strand of my hair between my fingers, mentally cringing as I did so. "Hey." He responded dryly, taking down a scotch straight after.

"You came here alone?" I asked in attempt to get him to notice me. "No. My friends are back in the booth." "A pity. I thought we could maybe have some alone time." I let out a little sigh, making sure to puff out my breasts at the same time.

Although the action didn't go unnoticed, he didn't seem to cooperate much with the plan I had in mind.

He asked for another drink before getting up to leave. "Dammit..."

I ordered a glass of water, drinking out of it every few seconds as I stared at his booth. From what I could see, he was with four other people.

'I need to get him to want me...' I stood up from my seat, slyly taking the clutch from a woman that was sitting at nearby stool. "I'll just borrow this..." I wore a smug smile as I thought of what was to come.

I waked past his booth, purposely dropping the clutch in front of him. "My bad." I bent down to grab it, but he seemed to have just ignored me. 'The heck...How is this not working?!'


An hour has already passed yet nothing is seeming to work. I've already tried everything I could think of to seduce him.

This has to be my first fail since years. What makes it even worse is that the reson is because I'm not attractive enough.

"It's almost 9 o'clock...I should probably go back to Jiyong now..." I looked twords my failed booth once more, only to see that it was empty. "What...Where did he go?"

I hurridly grabbed the railing, desperately searching the crowd underneath me. "There! What? No! He's leaving! He can't leave yet!"

I rushed down the stairs, going as fast as I could with heels through the crowd to get to him, only I bumped into someone else instead.

"Oh! Sorry! I wasn't- Taehyung?" "Y/n?" He said, eyes widened. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" "Um, well-" "Taehyung? Who's this?" I got cut off. "N-No one..." 'Wait...They're leaving together...Does Taehyung know him? This could be my chance!'

"Score me a dance with that hottie, would you?" I whispered into his ears. His face showed panic as he faced me, my target, then me again. "Y/n, I can't-" "Fine then...I'll do it myself."

I confidently strided up to the man. Slided my hand up from his shoulder down to his wrist, gently tugging him to the crowd. "Dance?" He looked at me hesitantly. "C'mon...I've been trying to get your attention all night. Please?"

A smug smile appeared on his lips. "Alright. One dance."


2nd chapter this week woow that's  probably the first time I've done that :')

Is it bad that I'm excited for the next chapters even though I'm  the one writing it??

Byeee! Hope you have a great day/night! 💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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