Chapter 3: A New Task

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A few weeks have passed and finally, finally, Jiyong had called and said they've got the target's location.

Finally, I was back in the game.

The past few weeks haven't been so bad... I've been hanging out with Jae & Taehyung a lot...But of course, they're not always free. So when no one had time for me, I spent my time expressing myself to the world.

By expressing myself I mean I bought some cans of spray paint and vandalised some plain walls near the subway...

In my defense they needed some more colour. So much grey was depressing.

Right now, I was standing in the empty alleyway, the sun barely shinning any light behind the tall walls surrounding me. Excitment filled me just as I was about to open the door to the base and was met by...!


The place was a mess. Papers were scattered all over desks, people were running around, Jiyong was yelling and I'm pretty sure that something went wrong.

"Jae," I walked up to my dear friend. "What's going on?" "The target," He spoke as he fumbled through some papers. "She knows we're after her." "What? How? What did you guys do?" "Well, she doesn't know that it's us specifically, but she knows that someone is." "Great. I'm off the job for a few weeks, come back and everything's already falling apart." I sighed.

"Y/n!" I turned to see an angry Mina walking my way. Oh god, now what? "You are walking on thin ice! Thin ice!" She showed me her pinched fingers as to show how thin she ment. "What are you-" She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the corner of the room, a bit further away from everyone else.

"First, you get three weeks off because of how badly you were doing, then you suddently get some super secret mission Jiyong won't tell us about?!"

Okay, first of all, rude, secondly, what?

"Uhh, are you sure about that? Cause I wasn't told anythi-" "Y/n!" I hear my boss call from the opposite side of the room. "I've got a job for you." He stood infront of me, hands on his hips as he poked his inner cheek with his tounge. A habit he does whenever he's mad or stressed.

"In-" He stopped speaking mid word and gave Mina a glare. She replied by rolling her eyes before leaving the two of us alone. "Invictus. Their leader has deep connections with the target. I need you to sleep with him. While doing so you'll collect information. Understood?"


In the few seconds I've been here I've already been told so many shocking things that by now that's the only word I'm able to somehow stammer out.

"All you have to do is sleep with South Korea's most powerfull gang leader. Simple."

Uh, not!

Invictus. The most powerfull gang in South Korea, yet he wants me to sleep with their leader.

Either my boss wants me dead or he thinks I'm good enough for this task.

Neither of those options lead to a good ending.

"Sir- I mean, Jiyong- I- I just came back from being three weeks off and this is the first thing you tell me?!" "Yep. You're meeting him tomorrow night. Don't worry, we'll prepare you and bring you to his location."

You have got to be kidding me.

Sure, Jiyong has made me do a lot of crazy things, but this is by far at the top of the list.

That's it. I'm dead. I'm gonna get caught, I just know it.

I sat down on the couch in the center of the room, an unreadable expression on my face.

"Hey, you okay? You seem" Jae asked as he sat down next to me. "No, I'm not! Jiyong just-" I sighed. "Never mind. I'm probably not suppoused to tell you." He gave me a sympathetic look before I jumped up from the couch in a rush. "I need to find Kai."

I quickly ran around the base in desperate need to find the said person. After a few minutes, I eventually found him hiding behind a large bookcase, sitting down with a white laptop placed down on his knees.

"Kai. I don't care what you're doing right now, I need you to search something for me." He heaved out a deep sigh as I sat down next to him. I definitely wasn't one of his favourite persons.

"Alright. What is it?" "You know Invictus, right? Do your thing and hack into some sites. I need information about their leader." "Invictus?" He gave me a confused look. "Yes. Invictus. Now hurry up kid, I don't have all day." Once again, he let out a sigh before doing as I said.

Kai was still in school, after all he was only 17. The only reson he joined our gang in the first place is because of his fathers dept and his hacking skills. Trust me, he's a boss with computers.

We sat next to each other in silence for a few seconds, a few sighs being let out here and there, untill eventually he got something.

"Alright, here it is. Damn is his background hidden deep." I grabbed the laptop from him and started reading.

"The heck...This just says stuff like his name and birth place!" "Did you look at the second page?" "There's a second page?"

Apperantly there was, and my god was there a lot more useful stuff typed out in front of us.

"My god is this guy mad..." I stared in awe. "People killed in the last five years, 56 - Police count. Most common cause - a bullet to the head."


"No, no, no."

"Jiyong is out of his mind. This- This guy's a murderer! Not even we do that much damage! There is no way I am going to sleep with this guy just so that we can-" "Jiyongs making you-!" "Shit! You weren't supposed to find out about that!" "Well I did and-" "Sh! You better not tell this to anyone. Understood?" "But," He paused before changing his answer. "Sure, whatever."

I let out a groan. "That means roughly 11 people per year, and that's just police count. Sure, I don't know much about this guy but only an idiot would let the police find out that they killed someone. There's definetly tons of more lives that he took." I gave him back his laptop and stood up, brushing the dust off my jeans.

"Wish me luck, kid."


Surprise! I'm not dead yet 🙃

I was in a bus for about 10hrs on Friday & it was my first time travelling alone. Then my mum texts me telling me to set an alarm so that I won't miss my stop. Alright, i do that, but then I accidentally press the volume key on my other alarm I have for school and the next thing you know the chorus from Birthday by Somi starts playing at full volume inside a half full bus giving me and probably everyone else a heart attack yay :')

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