another series

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Hey luvs! I made another series of Wrong Number, i thought since i made Taehyung and Jimin version so I'll make one for Jungkook too, yes i made 2 ff abt Kookie, but they aren't the same.

Spring day is more of a sentimental sappy kind of story, and honestly i was inspired by the song it self, Spring Day, it's about missing someone, longing for someone, and i made it very emotional, well i can be emotional sometimes, and it's about missing someone who isn't here with us anymore, in another word it's a story about grieving someone, i just lost my puppy and I'm emotionally wrecked, i know for some people it's silly to grieves over a pet, but like i said I can easily get attached especially when it comes to animals, so losing my baby with paws wasn't easy for me, i felt empty. 😭

And this wrong number series is the type of story that i hope can entertain some of you, with my lame joke and memes, I'm sorry my taste of humor probably isn't the best but i tried :").

And so, i hope you guys like it, give it a vote and advices would be very helpful for me 💜

I purple u ARMY


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