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Mo in media

"His name is Tyler Golden, your honor."

I looked to the ground as the trial continued. My lawyer was working his ass off but so was the prosecuting lawyer. He was doing so good, I was starting to think maybe I did shoot King. I shook my head at my thoughts glancing upward to see the courtoon filling up. Mostly with King's family.

I glanced over to see Karmen, Kiari, Carter, Mo and Toya all sitting in the stands. Except this time, their faces were different. They were smiling. It was as if they had hope? A confused look plastered on my face.

"All rise." The bailiff announced, escorting the judge to her seat.

"You may be seated." We all sat down. I looked at everyone one more time before holding my head down again.

"Good morning Mr. Weathers, I heard you have something for us today." She asked my lawyer. He stood to his feet with a grin.

Why the fuck is everybody smiling?

"Yes your honor. I would like to call Mrs. Austin to the stand." Small gasps escaped through the room. My head shot up as the click of her heels and her sniffles echoed throughout the courtoom.

The bailiff swore her in before she took her seat in the stand. She blew into the tissues before stuffing them into her purse.


"Good morning Mrs. Austin. I am sure we all send our condolences."

"Good morning." She mumbled.

"Now Mrs. Austin, Mr. Austin, your son was a good boy, wasn't he?"

"Of course." She stated. My lawyer nodded his head.

"Of course, so he had no criminal record?"

"Objection your honor! Relevance?" The prosecuting lawyer shouted.

"Overruled." She replied.

"Um he had a few traffic tickets. Doesn't everyone?"

"Must I remind you Mrs. Austin that perjury is against the law. And is punishable up to 5 years in prison?"

"Objection!" The prosecutor yelled once again.

"Overruled."  His mother sighed before beginning to cry again.

"His record isn't clean." She stated with her head down.

"It unfortunately seems so. Is it true Mrs. Austin that Mr. Austin had several cases regarding Drug Possession and Drug Trafficking?"  She sighed again.

"Yes." The courtroom began to mumble.

"Order! Order!" The judge shouted.

"Objection your honor. Relevance?"


"That is all, your honor." My lawyer happily sat down next to me before shuffling through papers.

"Anything from the Prosecution?" The judge asked.

"No your honor." My lawyer stood up again.

"Your honor I would like to call one more witness to the stand today."

"What relevance does he have to the case?"

"He is a friend of my client and was also there at the scene."

"What is his name."

As if it were a movie, the courtroom doors opened. Then I knew why everyone was smiling.

T O Y A II *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now