Chapter Fifty Seven

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Eddie's POV

Eddie trudged down the hallway after he got off the lift, bracing himself for the conversation he was about to have. He knew she was pissed. He knew she was hurt. And he knew that he had caused that. He couldn't think of why he had revealed to her that he was the only reason she had gotten the job. He knew it would come back to bite him in the ass at some point but he didn't think he would ever tell her, much less use it to spite her. The look on her face when he had said it made him feel unworthy of living, but it didn't stop him, much like he couldn't control himself when he made the comment about Phil the night before. He knew he was unbearable to be around, but he couldn't stop himself from antagonising her.

He knew it was all his fault. Layla was perfect, always had been from the minute he met her, but he knew this would happen. He was never going to be good enough for her, and he hated himself for proving why.

The only thing he could do now was to prove to her that this wasn't who he was. He knew it would take some convincing, but he had to. He had to stop drinking. He knew it was too much since his face was constantly puffy and he knew he was putting on some weight. He couldn't help but get defensive though whenever she mentioned it, because he didn't want to admit that he had a problem. He just wanted to continue making music and being with Layla but he had proved that drinking and being productive didn't coincide.

Eddie went to open the door to the room, only to find it locked. He frowned, not understanding why he couldn't get in. He sighed when he realised she had probably locked him out. He knocked on the door, calling out her name. No response. He continued to do so, but no one opened the door, and he didn't hear any movement either. He decided she must have left and gone somewhere, although he had no idea where or why, and then began the trip back to the lobby.

Eddie walked up the reception where an older woman sat, checking a young couple in. He was staring into space when he heard her call for the next person in line, and made his way to the desk.

"I'm in room 507 and I was wondering if there's anyway to get another key? My girlfriend has the one we were given and I can't get into the room." He explained and then mentally sighed when the woman looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not permitted to hand out any keys unless you have any ID on you so I can check the room booking." She clarified, and he groaned in frustration. His wallet with his ID was in the room. He was thinking about what to do when he was interrupted.

"Did you say room 507?" A voice asked and he turned to find another woman behind the reception desk looking at him.

"Yeah?" He replied and she waved him to walk over to her. He gave the woman he was talking to a small smile and made his way over.

"I'm assuming you can help me then." He said and the woman gave him a soft smile, before reaching behind her and grabbing something off of a desk. She extended her hand and placed a key on the counter in front of him.

"Is this a spare?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No. The woman who's sharing the room with you checked out about an hour ago and let me know to give the key to you when you needed to get in the room. She also asked me to give you this." She said and then placed a folded up piece of paper next to the keys on the counter. He stared at both in confusion, before muttering a quick thank you and grabbing them, making his way back to the room.

He didn't understand what was going on. She had checked out? He assumed she had gone somewhere to calm down after their altercation but he didn't see the need for her to check out. He walked to their room in puzzlement, even though the punching feeling in his gut was telling him exactly what was going on. He opened the door to their room, not bothering to lock it behind him as he made his way and sat on the bed. Only then did he notice that her bags which had been on the floor when he had left were now gone. A bitter taste burned in his throat as he frantically ripped open the piece of paper he was holding and read its contents, his eyes stinging as he did.


I've decided that this is done, whatever it is that we have. I'm so grateful for you for what you have done for me. Being with you has given me the confidence I never had, and I am a completely different person to the scared little girl I was when we first met. But I'm not the only one that's changed, and I can't be with someone who makes me feel like I'm unimportant. I can't be with someone who doesn't make me feel happy, but unwanted instead. You will always be the man that taught me how to love, but this isn't healthy and you know it. I hope you sort yourself out and find someone who makes you as happy as you made me, she's a lucky girl whoever she is. Tell Kelly I quit, and tell the boys I'm sorry. It's over.


Eddie could barely even feel the tears that rolled heavily down his cheeks as he threw the piece of paper on the ground. It was like he was watching himself, outside of his body. None of this felt real. He struggled to breathe as he grabbed the chair next to him and flung it at the wall, denting the plaster. He felt as if he had no control over his body as he smashed every ornament in the tacky hotel room to pieces, kicking the furniture and punching the walls.

The pain in his hands and legs drove him on, making him lash out harder. He wanted the pain, he deserved every bit of it. This was all his fault. What had he done?

He continued to trash the room as he felt two sets of arms wrap around his body and try to settle him. He thrashed his body around, feeling constricted and wanting to be let loose from what was trapping him. The arms didn't let up and held him against a wall as he finally broke down. Eddie's body went limp while Jeff and Stone tried to hold him up and stop him from harming himself even more, concerned as they watched him cry and hold his head in his hands. They let go of him and Eddie sunk to the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? You've completely fucking torn the room apart, do you know how much this is going to fucking cost you piece of shit!!?" Stone yelled and Eddie cringed at his volume, just wanting to sink into a black hole and disappear. He heard Jeff sigh. The pair stood over him for a while, waiting for some sort of response or explanation from him. He swallowed the pit of despair in his throat down.

"She's gone." He squeaked out, even saying it out loud making him want to jump out of the window next to him.

"What?" Stone said in confusion and Eddie moved his hands away from his head briefly to gesture to the piece of paper near Stone's feet.

"Layla's left. She's left me." He repeated. He could hear Stone pick up the piece of paper and waited while he and Jeff slowly read the letter, the only thing running through his mind was what he had done? Because this was his fault. She was the only thing that seemed to hold him together and he had even messed that up.

And now she was gone.

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