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[chapter 3]

The next time they saw each other was out of pure coincidence. It was like a vintage Hollywood movie, the way they stumbled upon each other.

Estrella had walked back to her dorm, dodging the countless people that came at her. She had contemplated getting drunk on her first night, aching for a good night's rest that usually followed.

Instead she had spent the night thinking about him. No matter how hard she tried, something drew her to him like a moth to a flare of light.

And so naturally she had been bone tired but still dragged herself out of her egyptian cotton bedding and set out to face the new day.

She had tucked the white button down, with the school crest, into her mini skirt, slid white heels on and attached a silky oat colored ribbon to her half up and half down hair do.

Staring into her compact mirror, she saw an overconfident girl who wore a short short skirt with no self worth or care.

It was a horrible feeling to stare at yourself in the mirrors and not like the reflection that stared back at you.

But as always she took a deep breath, shut her mirror and tossed it into her backpack.

The self deprecating thoughts would have to wait, she had a high school of rich self entitled people to face. Too bad she was the worst of them all.


Estrella was running late. She had barely enough time to get ready, nevertheless time to have breakfast. The bell was only seconds away from ringing, and once rung would result in a penalty for those who are late.

She walked briskly down the empty hallway, praying to god she would make it. Just as the awful bell rang, she slipped into her chemistry class. She knew what was to come, a clear warning from the professor.

The attention was on her more than ever, everyone knew not to come late on the first day. It usually led to the teacher making an example of the student. Just as she squared her shoulders, ready to charm her clearly angry teacher, she felt herself stumble as someone collided into her back.

Her eyes closed instantly, scared of the marble floor's impact. However she was saved by the arm that curled around her waist, pulling her back. She opened her eyes, clutching her hand to her waist. She was mortified as she realized all her books fell on the ground, her stationery spreading over the marble floor.

Estrella spun around, ready to take out all the anger steaming inside her. But she was left awestruck, staring into those familiar eyes.

His eyes were like a brewing storm, wild and dangerous as they looked at the scene in front of him. His tan cheeks had a slight blush, embarrassed by the attention that was clearly being given to him as the entire class looked at the spectacle in front of them.

Estrella snapped out of her daze, letting out an angry huff. "Watch it," her curt words rang in the otherwise quiet room, she instantly spun around to see some of her classmates gathering her stuff before handing it to her.

Estrella walked over to an empty desk in the back, sliding in the chair and focusing her attention ahead. She was clearly embarrassed at the spectacle that was made of her but she'd rather die than make a bigger spectacle by letting her anger out.

"Alright class, let's welcome Mr. Alessi and start today's lecture."


"Did you see what she was wearing? What a fucking whore," she heard someone whisper as they pointed towards her to their friend. They clearly had not realized she had eyes and ears, it wasn't hard for their hate to reach her.

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