Ch. 8

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The next morning, Jake and Sophie was standing in Principal Boswell's office, playing the recording Sophie took the day before.

"Not only did she frame you, she ditched detention as well!" Boswell said. "This is all the proof I need. You're not suspended, Jake."

"Thanks, Principal Boswell," Jake replied.

"Also, can my name not be involved?" Sophie asked. "I'm not tryna get in trouble with Trina."

"Sure," Boswell answered. "I'll keep you anonymous."

"Thanks, Principal Boswell."

Jake and Sophie walked out of Boswell's office, Sophie heading down the hallway. Nick and Erica arrived, Jake smiling.

"Well?" Erica asked.

"No suspension!" Jake responded.

"All right, Boy Scout," Nick replied. "You're in the clear."

"Now, we can focus on Troy's party Friday night."

Later, after school, Trina stormed out the school and screamed in anger, "DAMN YOU, JAKE ARNETTE!"

Jake and his friends were sitting on the campus when they heard this. They rushed up to Trina, seeing her angry expression.

"What is it, Pom-Poms?" Nick asked.

"Your little friend here got me suspended for the rest of the week!" Trina yelled.

"You shouldn't have tried to framed Jake," Erica replied. "He haven't done anything wrong to you."

"First, he got Nick's attention... now, he gets me in trouble. What else have you done?"

"Jakey!" Troy called out, approaching him. "I heard you didn't get suspended. I knew the truth will come out."

"You became friends with Troy Taylor, our quarterback?"

"Yeah," Jake answered. "He invited me to his party Friday night."

"Do you even know how to get there?"

"I'll go pick him up," Troy responded. "Where you stay at?"

"He's been staying with me," Nick answered.

"What the hell is happening?!" Trina asked. "Why is the world revolving around Jake?!"

"Trina, your face is red," Erica said. "I think you need to take a chill pill before you pop a blood vessel."

"I'm totes chill. I'm just tryna understand why everyone is hovering over Jake ever since he got here."

"Boy Scout is a good guy," Nick said. "It's because of him I haven't been doing some of the stuff I usually do."

"And even though I met Jakey yesterday, it feels like I've known him for a long time," Troy added.

"I'm Jake's first friend when he got here," Erica added. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Whatever," Trina replied. "Jake, your little good-luck streak is gonna end... soon!"

Trina walked away, finding Sophie standing by the road, talking to Andre; Sophie was blushing a little. The three walked as a group, heading down the street.

"Troy, is Trina invited to your party?" Erica asked.

"Yeah," Troy answered. "And if I uninvite her, she'll think it's about Jake."

"Well, that's one person I need to look out for," Jake said.

"Look on the bright side," Nick added. "We don't have to deal with Pom-Poms for the rest of the week."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

After school the next day, Nick was with Erica, walking aimlessly through the city.

"Hey, did you see the way Andre and Sophie was talking?" Erica asked.

"You mean Smurfette and Biker?" Nick replied with a question. "What about it?"

"She was blushing. I think she likes Andre."

"It's possible."

"She was looking at him the same way Jake looks at you."

"Speaking of that, I wanna show Jake a good time. Between Becky the Beater and Pom-Poms, I think he deserves a full day to be with someone who won't hurt him."

"Sounds like a date to me," Erica commented.

"What?! No! Tch," Nick replied.

"Spending the day with the person that you like, especially if you're tryna show that person a good time, is considered a date. Who knows? A date might actually distract him."

"Well, let's say we do go on a date. What would we do? I know nothing about dating, yet I'm in an unofficial relationship with Boy Scout."

"Here's the key to going on a date: show up. All Jake would want is you to be there."

"Let's hope I don't mess up."

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