Shield Headquarters

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Tony looked out the window, the traffic had stopped on either side of the junction halted by police cars. The new Shield headquarters loomed into focus. They had driven all the way from Queens to Washington DC in a silent convoy stopping all traffic like they were a terrorist threat. What was to come scared him more. The thought of them all being questioned and forced to sign the accords worried him but not half as much as the regret he had for bringing the kid into this.

The Kid in question was sat in the back of the small van he had been shoved into. His hands and feet were tied to the seat behind him. He had tried to break free but after bruising and drawing blow through trying to slip his hands free he gave up and waited for the journey to end.

Nat sat with simple handcuffs and silently in the back observing. The driver was sweating, he wasn't Shield, an agent would remain calm in this situation. Unless she was that much of a threat? The car suddenly jerked to a halt. They were in DC headquarters. The door was opened and she was gestured to get out. After slickly getting out and standing she turned to look at the others. Tony, Sam and Steve were being led through the main glass front doors and into the lobby. Her upper arm was grabbed and she followed them walking in sink with the others. The team looked at her and nodded in a short hello, what's happening now? Steve looked around them as they were being led up the stairs away from all the glaring eyes, where were Wanda and Queens? He realised now he didn't actually know his name. Tony noticed the absence and looked back and the Vans outside carrying them both had turned off and driven to the secure loading bay downstairs.

"You'll see them in a minute, but first get in here." Ross greeted them in a tailored suit and hands together wearing a satisfied expression.

They all followed him involuntarily into the meeting room. It was closed off apart from the whole glass wall looking out over the city.

"Sit." And they were shoved into pristine chairs at the table. Tony went to open his mouth but was cut off. "Stark, I thought we had reached an agreement then I see security footage of you talking to Steve Rogers over here with his team and you go off doing doolally together. And you Captain. You refused to sign and harboured a fugitive while becoming one yourself. Now tell me why? And where are the others and who the fuck is the kid I have in a holding cell downstairs?"

Tony's eyes grew wide as he tried stand up but strong arms held him firm in place.

"You leave him out of this!" how dare he bring Peter into this fight. But Ross smiled;

"soft spot?" Steve sighed and started to explain but stopped when an agent came in, whispered in Rosses ear and they both ran out the door. The avengers looked at each other but shrugged their shoulders, what had happened?

The faint heavy booted footsteps came audible and the door clicked as a security pass was accepted and in walked Fury.

He walked to the front and lent on the head chair while looking down.

"Now I leave you all alone for one god damn minute and this is what happens. You fall out like children." Stark lifted his hand.

"I've read the files I don't need your opinions, but I do know how to fix it and see if it doesn't work." They were all silent, no one moved.

"I need the Avengers as one team. I know you know this as you are working the case this moment. Now, here's my proposition: The Avengers will be the government organisation but you will work behind their asses on your own. So, everyone is happy."

They looked around the room before nodding. "I have been sent in here to make sure you all sign this." He produced the accords. "I do not care if you don't agree because you are not agreeing." The book was passed around the room with the pen and names were scribbled down, Rogers hesitating slightly as the pen hovered over the blank next to his name.

A while later Ross came back thrilled that they had all signed and had let them out of the handcuffs reluctantly.

To say Peter was confused was an understatement. He had been dragged up a set of stairs and then handcuffed to the table of a meeting room with two armed guards outside the door and left alone for what felt like hours. Was everyone else like this? His shaky breaths caught in his mouth as excruciating pain spread from his chest. Probably a few broken ribs, maybe risking a punctured lung at some point. He had developed a hacking cough that left him shaking after every attack. God where was Mr Stark.

As if on que the armed agents walked in pulling him up from his seat and dragged him along the corridor and through yet more doors. The glass walkway let him see across the whole of DC but it disappeared as his vision fogged and he became dizzy again. Finally, they stopped outside a door and Ross was there.

"Mr Parker if you please." He raised a gentleman's had to the door as he was limply dragged through the door and to his amazement he saw all the other Avengers seated there but handcuffs removed. Peter was deposited in the chair with a pen and document in front of him. Ross appeared at his ear.

"Mr Parker if you please-" He looked over at Mr Stark and the Captain who both nodded and he shakily picked up the pen writing his name on the accords.

The poor kid was dragged into the room looking on the verge of passing out. His breathing was loud and heavy and the cuts on his body were painfully still bleeding in places. Parker, His surname was Parker, well at least that's better than the 'Queens' nickname he'd given him. He looked too young to be brought into this but all the same his eyes were so old and mature. He was unsure of signing so I gave a reassuring nod of we all have don't worry and he barley raised his hand to write his name but immediately the handcuffs were removed and he stood up to limp over to Tony.

Peter grabbed Mr Stark to hug as they both embraced. Tony saw it as affection but Peter used it as an excuse to use him as support giving his weight onto the man, his vision was swimming now he could barley stand. He could hardly hear everyone talking around him.

Tony felt something was right. He looked Peter in the eyes and repeated his name but his head lolled to the side.

"Pete look at me, what happened?" the kid lifted his head and tried to take a breath but struggled immensely.

Tony had brought the kid to the floor and Steve bent over the kid pressing the spider in the middle of his suit and it fell away exposing the heavy bruising on his side.

"Tony, he needs medical help, this looks like broken ribs." Nat ran out of the room to warn the medical wing of incoming. Steve then picked Peter up (so now he knew who Queens was) bridal style but was amazed at how light he was. The team ran out of the room towards the medical wing running past several concerned agents leaping out the way. When they reached the medical wing the strong smell of disinfectant greeted their noses.

"In here." A nurse gestured to a private room where the small struggling boy was placed on the bed. Tony looked at the Kid, had he done this by bringing him into this or was it Maelstrom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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