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In which Reginald, Harrison's father meets his new business partner, Richard L. Hightower, who has an apparent interest in his son's prospects.

The secretary walked Reginald back to Hightower's office. She knocked on the door and popped her head in. Reginald could not hear what she was saying, but smiled when she slipped back out and told him,

"He'll be ready in a few minutes."

Not long thereafter, a tall man in an expensive, tailored, black suit & black turtleneck stood in the door frame. His eyes came just above Reginald's own. He looked like a younger William Fichtner. He extended his hand, his wrist beaming from the light that bounced off of a sleek gold & diamond Perry Ellis watch.

"Good morning, Reginald. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said low, but enunciated.

"Come in to my office. Much better place to do business."

Reginald followed him in. He took in Richard's elegant office:

The pine green, office-carpet flooring had small, hand-stitched red and blue shields decorating it. A Turkish, Kashan rug for wiping off shoes covered the front vestibule. A small, central parlour (more or less a miniature living room) sat over natural-finish cherry wood. On the other side of the office -which had to have been larger than a standard classroom- was a floor-to-ceiling library, with two luxurious, leather chairs turned-in towards each other. Surrounding Hightower's desk were beautiful, Italian artisan, Empress green marble tile.

The light, wood interior and warm beige, leather sectional combined with the large flat screen and green plants made the office feel homey, but modern.

The final touch was Hightower's stunning office space:

It had an old-fashioned, wood-carved, antique desk and bureau set that played-off spectacularly with the rest of the room. A grand recessed window let light pour into the office, along with white recessed lights that stayed on in the room.

Behind the desk on one side was a wall covered in Hightower's personal pictures toward the top; his business & business law degrees as well as several accolades intimidating his visitors at eye-level, and an exquisite ball-card collection just above a built in coat rack line.

The other side had small souvenirs from trips to Venice & Rome, a Newtons cradle, and an eye-catching drink station (full of crystal glasses, alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages, and even a Chinese bamboo tea set).

"I can tell you're," he started, pausing before going on, "fascinated by what you see."

Reginald didn't realize how he was gawking at the space around him.

Richard looked at the middle-aged man, somewhat proud yet not surprised at how his office impressed people.

"How did you even manage a place like this in downtown LA?" Reginald's Aussie accent was strong.

"Hard work," he started as he moved to the sitting chairs with a neat Bourbon, "time, and a whole lotta prayin'." He looked up at Reginald as he took a sip.

"Stunning, mate."

"Thank you," he nodded.

Richard sat back in his chair, "So," he called, "Come. Sit," he invited Reginald to have a seat.

"It's my understanding that you want to collaborate with us on a new project," Richard alluded.

"Yes. I do." Reginald said, still taken aback by the space.

"Well, tell me more."

"Oh! Um, well... I'm the CEO and Chairman of Wain Enterprises, a Fortune 500 company, originally based in Australia and New Zealand."

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