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William Schmidt, friend of Harrison Wain, pictured above.

In which Harrison Wain talks to Richard Hightower for the first time. It becomes apparent that Richard wants to 'get to know' Harrison better, and schedules a meeting with just him.

"Come in," Richard gently pulled Harrison in.

Harrison became 'shook' as he wasn't ready to be pulled in. Richard showed him to the chairs that were next to his library. Harrison looked around, amazed at the amount of wealth in just one room.

"Like what you see?"

"Mate. This is absolutely stunnin'."

"Thanks. I put a lot of work into this place. Ya know, doing most of it myself."


"I did just about everything but the electric," he poured himself a drink, "Would you like one?"

"No," Reginald said, "he's not 21."

Harrison looked at his father.

"I'm fine."

Richard chuckled before taking a sip of Brandy.

"So," Richard got Harry's attention, "college boy, eh?"

"Yeah. I'm studying business." Harry was able to go along with the lie. The truth was he went to UC at Encino for cinematography and theatre.

"Are you going for a management perspective or entrepreneurial?"

"I wanted to go for entrepreneurial, but I think that I would be better off going for management first."

"That's a good move. Oh, uh... Reggie? Did you want a drink?"

He was stuck for a minute but managed to say, "Eh, sure."

"Help yourself. Harrison, why don't you join me on the couch?"

Richard lead the 20 year old to the middle, living area. He gestured to a seat in the corner of the luxurious sectional, and sat in the other corner of it himself.

"Your father told me that he wants to hand his business off to you. Do you know why?"

Harrison was shook, thinking of what to say. He fumbled out a response, "Uh, yeah... My dad told me his... father's father had created the business and... it was passed down the generations, ya know? He wanted to keep it in the family."

"I admire that out of him. Generational wealth is such a blessing. But not everyone can get it, you know?"

Harry nodded, not knowing Hightower was looking for his input. Harry was looking at the floor, when he could see Hightower sitting up out the side of his eye.

"Oh, uh... Yeah. It's sad that not everyone can inherit their parents wealth, or even have the chance to uh... to- to build on what they have."

"Right," Hightower side-eyed Harrison not knowing what his issue was, "you alright, Harry?"

"Me?" Harrison asked nervously.

Hightower nodded.

"Oh- yeah, I'm- I'm good." Harrison could feel himself swallowing. His mouth was dry and his hands were super cold.

"Nervous, huh?"

"Huh? Uh- yeah. I-"

Hightower put his hand on Harrison's shoulder, the one farthest from him, and pulled him to comfort him.

He chuckled and said in his ear, "Loosen up, I'm only talking to you because I like you," and leaned back out.

Out loud, he said, "I think we can do good business together."

"That's amazin'. Thank you so much, Mr. Hightower."

"Don't thank me. Thank your boy, Harry." He stood up and faced Reginald, setting the mostly untouched glass of Brandy on his desk. "He's a little nervous, but we'll work it out."

"Good," Reginald said, "when can we start working on the project?"

Hightower chuckled a bit more suggestive this time, "Me and him need to spend a little more time together, first."

The huge smile on Reginald's face flattened slightly, "Oh, just you and him, or?"

"Yeah. I always befriend my partners you know," Hightower lied. He usually just asked a couple, selfish questions: What's in it for Stark? I get at least 40%, right? Why should I invest in your company? and then, if he felt you were "business material", you might earn the privilege of his partnership.

But Harry was different. He had something Hightower wanted, and already, Reginald was pretty much a liability. Hightower didn't care about the business, he just wanted Harrison. But he wanted him for the wrong reasons.

"That's fair," Reginald said disappointed.

"Harry? When are you available, son?"

Harrison looked confused for a slight second, as if he was distracted by Hightower's strong presence, "Er, uh whenever you need me... My uh, instructors are pretty lenient with me so I can e-mail them if you want me,".

"Perfect. Let's go this Saturday. Meet me at the Francisco's Parlour on Berkeley ave. Eight o'clock," he said as he wafted a business card from his pocket:

Stark | Enterprises
Mr. Richard J. Hightower
(719) 539 - 2828

1114 Gallagher Ave.
Los Angeles Branch 4

Harrison nodded to say "Thank you," and looked at the card as Richard showed them out.

"8 o'clock sharp, boy," Richard reminded Harrison.

"Yea," Harrison nodded.

As they left the building, Reginald thought to himself:

"I don't know about this idea anymore. I don't know if I really trust Richard as well as I thought," he considered if he was just jealous because Richard wanted to begin work with Harrison, & not include him, "but I don't know. I gotta keep an eye on this."

"Be careful, Harrison," he said as they pulled out.


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<3 u dearly! Tysm.

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One Love! 💘

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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