Part 7, pt. 2: Planning to Strike

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On that same night...

(FYI, the following dialogue will be in whispers. They aren't talking and shouldn't be confused with talking. I am just tired of writing "*whispering*" and slightly annoyed with it. So please, bear it in mind...)

Keith 2 So what do we have so far?
Trace I can't touch him, his bedroom is on the top floor, and he has serfs inside his castle, even a royal serf named Roselyn.
Keith 2 I bet you know her?
Trace Yes, but in my world, she's kinda my, uh-
Kyle She's his major-domo, or head steward of the Legacy Estate.
Kyle Where'd you come from?
Kyle I heard all of you. My ears are thrice as sensitive as common human ears.
Keith 2 Wait, did you say "the Legacy Estate?" I thought that was burnt down.
Trace What?
Keith 2 As a revolt, a Keidran started an inextinquishable flame inside that manor. Rumors told it was an inside job, done by a mage disguised as a slave.
Trace Uh, can we go back to planning?
Keith 2 Oh, right. So, no touching, bedroom at top floor, serfs and slaves. How are we going to use these things?
Trace I can act as my evil self and blend in.
Kyle Tactical, logical, maybe practical...
Keith 2 Then what?
Trace After we sneak back inside that village, I will tell the serfs to take a long break; meanwhile, I'll try to convince Roselyn to assist me anyway she can. If we do this at night, if he is in the room, we'll sneak up to him and give him the element of surprise.
Keith "We?"
Trace I can't touch him, remember? I'll get us in; you two can kill him.
Kyle Could this actually work?
Keith 2 Uh, sorry if this is slightly irrelevant, but as far as this "touching" thing goes-
Kyle Nobody can touch their other dimensional self. It would cause an interdimensional paradox.
Keith 2 Just asking.
Trace Come to think of that, what you said might now be included to the list.
Keith/Keith 2 What do you- Oh, right.
Keith 2 So what do we do?
Trace Simply, you take turns fighting him.
Keith 2 Okay, but, what about the bedroom?
Trace There's only two exits: the door and the window above his bed.
Keith 2 So we keep fighting him until he jumps?
Keith But if he's you, he's a mage as well. He can save himself before he lands.
Trace Then an ambush may be needed.
Keith 2 Ah, so when he lands, he's dead. Brilliant!
Kyle May it be smarter to relay the plan to the king?
Keith 2 As Lieutenant Commander, I can inform the Commanding Officer to order his men to send his army to where he will land.
Kyle Informing the CO instead of the potentate? Sounds good.
Keith 2 Great. I'll inform him immediately! Goodbye!

That Keith then jumped out the window.

Keith Would it work?
Trace I don't know, but we only have one shot.
Kyle But what about the king? You gave her messenger basically everything.
Trace Right, well, I guess I should talk to her about that.
Kyle Yeah, in a few hours...

Then everyone fell asleep...

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