Part 6: The Alternate King (and Lieutenant)

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Disguising Trace in a cloth hood, he, his friends, and Alternate Keith and Laura made their way to the Basidian Islands via cog (the ship). But first, they must make it onto the fleet: cogs (boats), hulks and knarrs.

Trace This was a mistake...
Keith Is this...
Keith 2 A fleet? Yes.
Kyle I would rather use "flotilla," but whatever best works with you.
Keith What are they waiting for?
Keith 2 They were waiting for my command.
Keith Your command?
Kyle Ah, a naval officer...
Keith 2 I told them I will begin a scouting mission alone with Laura; and if I found him, I would take whoever he holds dearest and declare him--or her--a hostage. I, then, return and alert the fleet for a full-on assault..
Keith That was your plan from the start?
Keith 2 Yeah. I thought these guys were ones he... you know.
Keith Who do you think I was?
Keith 2 A rouge soldier who did the job for me.
Keith What would happen if Laura didn't hit me?
Keith 2 I.,.would've left you behind...
Keith Oh... I see...
Keith 2 Shh... We're here. Remember what to do.

The ship met with the fleet. The second-in-command--who looked like Madelyn--jumped onto the deck.

Madelyn 2 Lieutenant Commander, has Trace been discovered?
Keith 2 *sigh* No, unfortunately, First Lieutenant... Let's just stick with our names, please?
Madelyn 2 Sorry, do what you please, but it's King Adelaide's rule that-
Keith 2 Every officer, ranking high or low, must address their rank alone. I know, but can you ask her to change it?
Madelyn 2 Just because she's my mother doesn't mean I have direct authority to speak to her.
Keith 2 Touché...
Madelyn 2 But who have you brung? Hostages?
Keith 2 Comrades and colleagues, ma'am.
Madelyn 2 Right. All of you, step forth and state your names!

Everyone did, with slight hesitation.

Sythe Sythe.
Flora Flora.
Kyle Kyle James Engler.
Raine ...
Madelyn 2 Speak up- Wait, you're that HalfKind! Welcome abaord!
Raine Oh, thanks...

Then she went up to Trace.

Madelyn 2 And you are?
Trace Er, uh-
Keith 2 He's my compeer, Maddie.
Madelyn Firstly, don't call me by that! And second, "compeer?"
Keith 2 Yes. He's with me.
Madelyn 2 Very well. Welcome aboard to the Basidian Navy, ladies and gentlemen.
Keith 2 No time for introductions. We need to get these recruits to their new home so they can get up to speed,
Madelyn 2 Right.
Keith 2/Madelyn 2 Attention! Return to the Islands! Repeat, regroup!

The fleet sailed for nearly several hours.

Kyle The device is halfway charged. Just a few more...

Soon the arrived at the Islands, heavily fortified and guarded.

Kyle Looks like a military base than a kingdom...

Everyone docked their ship and headed to HQ (aka the castle).

Madelyn 2 Alright, recruits. Time to see the king.
Trace King Adelaide... Wonder how she is here...

Along the way, inside...

Kyle <Remember the times you knew a lot abour yourself?>
Trace Oh, yeah, those guards...
Kyle <That was me, too. I can activate, deactivate and reactivate certain parts of the brain, which I can use to strengthen anyone's memories and control any part if their body.>
Trace Cool, I guess.
Madelyn 2 We're here.

Two guards opened the grand doors to reveal King Adelaide, sitting on her throne with fourteen guards, seven on each side facing forward. She wore not her usual garments but military-style rainment.

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