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Have u ever felt like u are suffocating, being drained out of life and the whole world is caving in while u are all alone? No one is helping u up, like they were waiting for this to happen for years! Because that is how I feel rn.

Standing in the same spot in front of that crashed car for like forever with widened eyes, tears poring down on both of my cheeks mixed with the black color of my mascara. Not knowing what to say or do but staring at this body who soon turned into a lifeless one as soon as he gave his message to me.

"madame, are u alright?" a voice snapped me out of my trance, bringing me back to reality.

"huh?" completely shocked of what was happening right now.

"I said are u alright, madame?" that man said to me again, getting already frustrated with my numbness.

"I'm s-sorry, I guess I better get going". Not wanting to go on this conversation anymore with a utter stranger, I rushed back to my car; pushing and shoving people out of my way.

After what felt like forever, I eventually reached my car. Shaking my head slightly as the scene kept ringing in my head over and over again.

What just happened?

Who is this messenger guy?

Why me out of all the people around the world has to go through this?

I am officially losing my mind.

I felt a sudden growl in my stomach ;indicating that I am hungry ;got me back to what I was supposed to do in the first place.

The flight! Crap.

I hit the gas pedal and started to run as fast as I could.. Well, actually the fastest I've ever musterd in my one year driving experience.

Damn! I can get James hunt's ass whooped if I kept it this way!?!

That actually made sense because I was driving at 120kmphr. I was literally passing a car after another like a race driver.

I arrived at the airport 30 minutes before the plane takes off. So, I was running through the halls, till I finally reached the plane.

"hurry, madame" the flight attendant said this to me, indicating that I was so late and it's a miracle that I actually made it to the airport. I smiled thanking him and rushing to the bus that took me to the plane.

As soon as my butt hit the leather seat, I exhaled a sigh of relief mixed with tiredness. Realizing how much sore I am, I decided to let go all these obnoxious and creepy questions and get some sleep to be ready for the change that is going to happen to my boring life that will turn it - inshallah - to an exciting one instead.

Just for now though.

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