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I started to think about the whole conversation i just had with that weird professor ,coming to a conclusion that i greatly fascinated him with my eloquence and promptitude as i totally left him dumbfounded and with a huge grin covering his face and the greatest evidence here that he summoned for me in his private office to have a "word " with me . but that isn't the big deal here that is giving me a headache right now , the right question is why me ? i haven't done anything but standing up for myself ? isn't that what is supposed to be done ? i guess the world is different that i had imagined .

Almost screaming at the bell ringing sound ,i shock my head vigorously as an attempt to get out of this trance . leaping back to reality , i quickly made my way out of the university hall to the camp successfully without being recognized . i decided to walk back to my dorm because i really needed to walk through the words .

His words cut deep through my brain ,completely invading it and in a matter of seconds , they created a colony inside it .However, it was a very small talk , i came to a realisation that he meant a lot of things behind his words , but also behind his face reactions ,his body response to his inner hidden thoughts , his eye contact with mine and his fingers way of moving as a rejoinder to all of the previous reactions . He was definitely impressed by my quick replies to the other kids at the class but my mum taught me self - respect and honor . So , it was really weird for me not to stand up for myself and what is weirder that he called for me because of that ?!.

I finally got rid of these exhausting thoughts as i reached the dormitory enormous building .i rushed to the elevator , hitting the 3rd floor button .few moments later ,the elevator ding was heard , i walked for another few moments till i reached my allocated room .i took out the key ,putting it through the hole and turning it in a slow motion . a click sound fill the place immediately indicating that the door has opened .

After relaxing for a while ,I decided to call my mother to discuss that horrible repetitive dream i have been having lately . my body reacted to the thought about it fast as a shudder shook through my bones making me slightly tremble in terror .Anyway , i scrolled through the phone looking for her number till i found it ,and instantly dialed her number .

A couple of minutes later ,she replied saying " Hello ,dear .how are you doing today ?" .

My eyes slightly widened at her easiness and utter relaxation . no way ,she forgot!

I replied saying " oh hey mom , i'm doing great . I just wanted to ask you something , may i ?".

" yes of course .what is it ?".

" Ahhhh. i just wanted to talk about our last conversation ".

" w-what conversation dear ? " . my mom stuttered . she's lying .

"Well , the conversation in which i told you about my peculiar dream "

" oh ! sweetie , it was just a dream . maybe you weren't covered right-".

I didn't even let her finish talking as frustration took over me ,I angrily spat " Mom ,stop , please .You know exactly what i'm talking about .So, for god's sake ,TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME ? ".

my body shook forcefully with anger mixed with the acrimony of anticipation as i waited for her answer . she finally replied saying

" listen carefully Emily , i don't know what's going on with you and i really wanna know what on earth is happening with you .believe it or not , i haven't tasted the bliss of sleeping since you called ,thinking of your dreams and i swear i haven't figured it out yet but i promise i will and when i do , i will come to see you face to face and tell you what i have .alright ?" .

my featured softened at once as i replied

"i'm sorry for snapping at you like this mom .i'm just scared , you know "

"it's okay ,dear .i understand .just take care of yourself and have fun ".she said the last part enthusiastically , forcing a laugh out of my mouth

"yeah ,mom .i will ,i promise ."

" alright ,dear .i gotta go .love yaaa "

" love you too ".

I sighed heavily and threw my back onto the mattress .

I just want this all to be over .

big plot twist coming in the way.

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