Episode#1: The Far Land of wonders

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DISCLAIMERS:Dear readers, some of you I think have a problem in the type of English I have used so I make it simple for you that the English content present in the story is classical and I've tried hard to master it moreover, the characters, dialogues and the story is subjected to copyright.

"They are growing more powerful and have gained so many strength, if they are not defeated now they will be more powerful than ever and defeat us before we can defeat them..." these are the words of Uganima who serves the King as below than Minister post. The King was on his royal seat, down straight after the small staircase were they seated and giving different suggestions; they are known as the intelligent one and they are 2 in number, the King on the other hand, sitting as one of his paw was on his face which had covered his half face, when he heard this he roared and said,"Give me some fresh prey I am thirsty for blood if you'll be late I'll drain you instead so, HURRY up..." pointing to one of his royal guardian, he quickly ran using his four limbs and within a minute he returned with the deer who was in his paws, he put that Deer in the feet of the King, and left the place after bowing and goes to the place where he was previously standing, the Deer was not completely dead he was just unconscious and with the passing of time it was coming to his senses right away. The King at once grasp that deer; at the neck region and by infiltrating his canines deep in to its neck he starts drinking its blood the Deer start struggling but in no time that Deer was drained completely out of blood that make it more close to the deflated balloon lying on the ground ;all of his royal guardians were shivering with fear that he roared again; the blood of Deer was dripping through the King's Mouth,

"Why are they gaining power? All the power of Universe is directed to me ONLY ME I want them at a very end that they beg their lives from me and- and then I take them......" said King with exploding rage.

"But Master the sentence you spoke is little emotional(using his intelligence but didn't said that he has spoke little wrongly) why don't they beg their death from you and then you take their life......"said the Minister sitting besides to Uganima,

"Yes my intelligent Minister ... you are right and delighted me again with your intelligence why don't I think just like you ...." said King and jumped from the place where He was previously standing; by smacking the table where Uganima and Minister were seated. He held the neck of Minister and aim him high up as he was struggling for breath but he only get chokes,

"Why not You beg your Death... but for your information I'm not in LETTING YOU GO mood." said King and start drinking his Blood too and the Minister was struggling using his paws and legs like a helpless prey but again he deserves it, who told him to splash kerosene in the blazing fire of raged King?........ a practical joke has a time and moment to say,

"Does Anybody Else want to point out a GRAMMAR mistake in between a serious issue." asked King that Everyone moves their head in ABSOLUTELY NOT manner,

"No master you are Alone the Lord of the Known Universe we are just your helpless servants." Uganima mentions in his quivering voice,

"You made me happy Uganima ! I appoint you as my Minister." King led out and smiled.

"Umm Uganima, briefed me about the things that are given so much care in their planet." asked King after thinking so deeply,

"People, self prosperity and respect." replied Uganima,

"Ok that's obvious but where is my Son and my lovely Daughter? You go and say that king wants to see them Within a minute." said king pointing to Me, yeah you may be wondering Who am I? Well then...... as you asked I am his most trusted General, having the army of the most deadliest warriors in the known Universe but I'm going to retire from my services so that's why I was so sad these days, Well it's enough for now, I have to hurry up and call the Prince and Princess at once ......!!!

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