Where it all began

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I pulled up to school wearing a high waisted black skirt, a pastel yellow t-shirt and a necklace with a small purple pendant. I walked into the main quad of the school, searching for a red backpack and curly brown hair. I finally spotted him sitting with his bestfriend Dylan. I walked over and hugged him from behind. He turned around to face me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and began fiercely blushing as he realized Dylan had been watching. He flashed me a nervous smile. God how I loved that smile, my heart just about melts every time I see that smile. He motioned for me to sit down next to him. I sat down and joined in on a conversation about our least favorite teacher. Before I knew it the first bell rang, and we all went out separate ways and walked to class.
**4 classes go by and it's lunch**
I walked over to our usual spot where we normally ate lunch together along with our other friends. After everyone else showed up, Luke showed up about 10 minutes later. He said he had been talking to a teacher about a missing assignment but for some reason, I didn't believe him. He seemed off, and was acting nervous. Nobody else seemed to notice but me, but I had a gut feeling something was up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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