💚River Phoenix💚

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Requested by lukeybabe68

Present y/n pov
Life isn't fair sometimes you know, Sometimes we love the people we shouldn't and sometimes we do things we shouldn't. But life isn't long enough to listen to our brain, I recommend listening to your heart I mean look where it got me, oh yeah you don't know yet well let me take you back to last Friday.

Past y/n pov
Well school sucked as usual but its over now thank god now all i have to do is wait for my best friend river who drives me back home and hangs out. I think today i might tell him how i feel BUT I don't know because what if it ruins our friendship, what if he hates me, what if he pushes me down stairs. Okay that's dramatic but seriously im nervous river is the most intelligent, kind, beautiful person I've ever met I don't really know what love feels like but whenever I'm around him(which is all the time)i feel like my world stops, the heart stops the only thing i feel i can do is look at him. Wait where is river I've been here for like an hour just with my thoughts. I walk around our school looking for him but I can't find him. I see one of his friends Wil Wheaton and he walks over to me
"Oh hey river went on a date so he said ride the bus." wil said
"Oh okay." i say containing my anger perfectly, i walk away and start walking home since I know for a fact that the bus already left. Finally im home, i hate walking and river knows that. How stupid was i to think I should even tell river about my feelings he would never go for a girl like me, my thoughts were interrupted by river walking into my house looking pretty sad. But my feet hurt from walking so im still mad.
"So how special was this date to leave me walking home."

"You could've rode the bus and the date was supposed to be special but you know how things are." he sighs loudly

He's lucky i care about him "what happened."

"She was just using me to see if i would give her corey haims number."

"Im sorry river."

"Its fine I don't know what I expected i mean who's gonna wanna go out with me."

"Cmon river i bet a bunch of people are dying to get with you."

"Stop lying I don't need pity." he says leaning against my kitchen counter

"Im not river its true."

"I said I don't need pity we all now im useless."

"RIVER YOUR NOT USELESS IF YOU WERE I WOULDN'T LOVE YOU LIKE I DO EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY YOUR ON MY MIND, WE KNOW I DON'T LIKE ALOT OF PEOPLE BUT YOU I LOVE." I say yelling now standing infront of him waiting for him to say something back but he didn't no, instead he grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss at first i was shocked because this was my first kiss but it felt so right, so beautiful then we pull away for air.
"Your know if you told me that sooner you would've never walked home." he says smiling at me

"So what are saying." I question

"I've been hoping you'd feel the same way your just bad at taking hints." we kiss again

I pull away "never make me walk home again." i joke

"Not while I'm alive." He pulls me in for a hug.

Present y/n pov
Now that your all caught up I hope you learned the lesson. Yell your feelings at people. Just kidding live for love cause without it I wouldn't have fallen for river.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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