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Cliché #2: The Virgin Mary and the Man Whore

My God this trope MY GOD! Every time I see it I die a little. I'm sure anyone who's read a Wattpad book or some kind of romance has encountered this. The Virgin Mary and the Man Whore is when the female no matter how old ( I've seen some as old as 30 ) is an innocent little virgin with little to no sexual or romantic experience whatsoever. I'm talking about not even a first kiss. While the male character ( the Man Whore ) no matter what age ( sometimes their only 17 ) has tons of experience and been with tens to hundreds of women and has a new girl every night and day.

Now there's nothing wrong with being a virgin ( I'm one myself ) and there's nothing wrong with being a little freaky but it becomes a problem when women are always portrayed as little pure virgins that don't know jack shit about anything sexual whatsoever, while the guys are out here having threesome orgy's yet doesn't ever get an STD. Like I don't know about you but even though I have no sexual experience I've read enough stuff ( a lot of it on freaking Wattpad ) to know at least the basics of it. You can't tell me that a teenage to late twenties/early thirties woman knows nothing about the goings on in the bedroom even if she hasn't done it. And you can't tell me that a man who has sex like his life depends on it and sometimes forgets to wrap it up ( yes I have seen this numerous times ) hasn't at least gotten chlamydia or something!

Like could there be more books where it's I don't know switched around or maybe instead of it being one extreme or the other they both have at least some sexual experience ( and they're safe about it ).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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