1 || furiosity

15 1 1

Jungkook's beatific smile dropped dramatically as his girlfriend unceremoniously dumped him, while conspicuously kissing his "best friend".

A myriad of emotions such as fury, pain and despair tragically dwelled upon a discombobulated Jungkook. The sight of his two companions that he felt closest and most loyal to baffled him, it made him want to utterly regurgitate.

The incessant kissing continued systematically as Jungkook furiously ran out of sight, away from the pain and misery of his now ex girlfriend and best friend.

Jungkook focus || 1 hour earlier:
Jungkook combed his luxurious brown curls in his luscious long hair as he judged his reflection from his mirror. Is this what I really look like? Now, I understand why my mother states my appearance could seriously be improved. Jungkook lately was starting to be more aware of his so called "flaws" that his mother aggressively pointed out, little did he know, the wrinkles as he mindlessly showed joy only made his beauty more extravagant.


Tonight was THE night. After over a year of Jungkook's girlfriend, Jenui, begging expectantly for Jungkook to make love to her, Jungkook determinedly decided that he was willing to complete her wish. Jungkook did not necessarily feel ready to provide her with his virginity, however he understood that if he left Jenui waiting for too long, she would leave him without hesitation. After all, they had been together for so long and Jenui was well known for her past relationships that were filled with romantic, sexual interactions. She was not going to let this relationship remain platonic.

Jungkook was in love with Jenui. He had secretly admired her for 2 years before they finally acknowledged each other's existence by stating a simple "Hello.". Just the thought of her created a tingling sensation in his stomach and a blush creeping up dangerously on his pleasant cheeks.

Jungkook was incredibly ignorant when it came to love. He never had a single doubt that Jenui was loyal to him. She was his first love... that actually resulted in a relationship. Jungkook ignored the smirks that playfully rose on the other boys' cheeks when Jenui appeared, and the consistent winks she provided them in return, he never would have guessed these were hints to the other activities and one night stands Jenui was involved with.


Jungkook glimpsed curiously at himself in the mirror one last time before exiting his crowded bedroom. He cautiously yet quickly left his mother's haunting house, leaving the simplistic, white gate shuddering to the wind's beat in fury as Jungkook rushed towards his "glamorous" car he bought from the local used car dealership.

The car drive lasted for what felt like an eternity. Jungkook's excitement was bursting, he had never felt so seriously in love, he was ready to risk it all.

Jungkook arrived at the venue; a spectacular white modern mansion standing high on one of the few eye capturing hills that rolled hopelessly towards the glistening sea. The sea's waves could be heard murmuring to each other from the place Jungkook positioned himself in. He stared in awe as they rolled around desperately, as if they were trying to gain the attention of a non existent mermaid, Jungkook watched the waves, he wished his waves as he greeted others appeared as beautiful and striking as the waves of the ocean.

Jungkook was lead by a drunk, underage teenager into the raging room. The music blasted mystically creating harmonious noises as Jungkook briskly wandered towards the alcoholic beverages. After sipping reluctantly at an unknown beverage that tasted like apple cider vinegar that hadn't been diluted, he felt the need to enhance his mood by not devouring any more of it and finding his much loved girlfriend.

Jungkook traipsed throughout the dance floor, his eyes focusing deliberately on each face, where was his beautiful, popular, delicate, spontaneous girlfriend? Was Jungkook too brainwashed to realise that the girl he had just passed was indeed his girlfriend?, was it because the girl was too intrigued with the taste of another male's lips, hence Jungkook decided it definitely was not her.

After searching the venue for what seemed like endless hours, Jungkook weakly returned to where the drinks lay, he did not touch them as he now felt like only someone heart broken and desperate for even more agony or to feel like they were in an entirely different universe would touch them joyfully without obliging. As he stood feeling rejected near the back- where everyone was in view, he felt the most hideous pain hit him in places he never knew existed.

THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING, MY EYES ARE EXPERIENCING A HALLUCINATION, THIS-. WHAT THE ACTUAL F- THEY COULD, NO THEY WOULD NOT DO THIS TO ME. These were the thoughts that echoed drastically in Jungkook's mind that felt like collapsing from the obnoxious, excessive emotions he was feeling right at this moment. These people surely would never betray him like this. Hongjoong (my bestfriend since primary school) & Jenui (my girlfriend for over a year) would not do this, my eyes must be messed up. There is something wrong with me, this is not possible. There must be an explanation. Maybe she thought Hongjoonie was me?

Jungkook hesitantly rushed towards the pair that seemed inseparable. "JEN". Jenui flipped her hair, smiling as she faced a mentally unstable Jungkook who was on the verge of tears. Jungkook urged the words "Care to explain?" out of his trembling mouth, this resulted in further pain as Jenui and Hongjoong's faces smirked and continued making out with each other. Jungkook was not expecting that reaction, he expected faces that appeared concerned for him, that wished to fix this disaster, instead he was given what felt like a ferocious slap in the face.

Jungkook feared this pain would be eternal. He felt his heart palpitating due to this predicament, he was even considering consuming more of that unknown beverage to alleviate his heart wrenching pain.

Jungkook dropped conspicuous tears as he slouched his shoulders, this was messed up on so many levels, Jungkook felt as if it was the worst moment of his life. Jungkook must have forgotten about his past to believe that and little did he know what would occur in the future.

Suddenly, Jenui gasped for air and turned to Jungkook as she mocked his dejected facial expression. "Dude, we're over. Can you stop admiring Hongjoong's and i's kissing, you must be shook, after all it's fairly obvious we are attracted to each other more than I was with you. Now, kindly piss off. This is what you get for not falling for my seductive methods in time." Jenui stated with obvious, gleaming enjoyment in her cruel voice.

The music now felt like a cacophony as the perplexed Jungkook rushed out the doors of the building, his feelings to finally make love to Jenui now dissipated. The situation that had just occurred was preposterous, Jungkook was incredulous to it. Jungkook's vision felt hazy due to his overwhelming emotions, the pungent smell of alcohol nearby not helping him concentrate.

As Jungkook drove home, his amount of tears were elongated as he thought about the night's experience. He normally tried to not exude these type of emotions, they just made him overthink, remember the past and question the future. Jungkook regretted ever being infatuated with Jenui, yet he longed for her affection. Jungkook felt chagrined, fatigue and wished he was inebriated therefore the pain would be less severe due to a further lack of concentration.

When Jungkook arrived home he ignored his mother's continuous whining and fell onto his bed feeling like a heap of trash. His demeanour was a variety including, stressed, pained and dejected. Jungkook felt as the aforementioned words suited best especially the latter as it also sounded like a combination of rejected and depressed.
"Damn, today was so tedious." Jungkook thought lethargically as he fell asleep.

[A/N] : Hi, this is my first time trying to make a proper story/fan fiction. Did you enjoy or do you have any constructive criticism? What are your opinions on the characters so far? :) Also, I'll probably introduce Tae in the next chapter? Thank you so much for reading this far!! This actually took surprising long to write skksksksk. - Greta.

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