2 || aftermath

6 3 2

The next day:

Jungkook woke up, his heart and stomach aching with pain. He felt heartbroken. His stomach was in pain for other reasons... let's just say his diet had dramatically changed as apparently it would enhance his appearance.

Last night's events resulted in Jungkook feeling different, feeling queasy and desperate for a redemption. He just wanted to be loved and appreciated for who he was, and now the last two people he depended on, left him.

Jungkook felt useless. This was not the first time he felt so horrendous, horrific and as if he resembled everyone's absolute nightmare, just a disaster, a mistake. Tears started filling up Jungkook's tired, unfocused eyes. Why did everyone he loved either leave him permanently or start disliking him, enough for them to turn on him?

His family were now nothing to him. Jungkook had moved schools consistently throughout his life, he had been at his current home for 4 years, that was the longest he had ever remained in the same area by far. Jungkook had no one to rely on, no one to say they loved him. His ex girlfriend and best friend never said it, his mother barely looked at him, his father left for another man and his brother was just a reminder on why life was so cruel, how torturous life could be and what it could result in. His brother left him without a goodbye, Jungkook wishes he could've realised how much pain his brother Woojin went through, but he was so young when it happened. Jungkook relates to his brother's previous thoughts now. Especially, when he cries beside his uncared for grave. Jungkook misses him, even if it had been 3 whole years since their whole world seemed to have collapsed, like the buildings in 911. Waves didn't even collapse as drastically as Jungkook and his family's relationship and happiness had.

Jungkook was a complete mess and he knew it. Would anything or anyone ever free him from his sorrows and bellowing pain? Would he obtain a feeling of happiness or contentment ever again? Jungkook was sure that life would forever remain miserable now that his last closest companions had turned on him.

Jungkook felt like giving up. After all, what in his life was worth living for? His brother? Dead. His mother? Abusive. His father? Gone. His girlfriend & best friend? They both left him so they could greedily have one another. However Jungkook decided that he probably wasn't the only one who was sick of it all, so he turned on his used android phone he got off eBay and played "Young, dumb and broke." as the song seemed to speak to him in a way that made him not as needy, less queasy, he felt less alone.

Jungkook glared at the clock, only to realise that if he ran he would only just make it to the obnoxious school in time. Jungkook didn't actually consider the school or teachers as obnoxious, but the students were a whole catastrophe that created feelings that weren't spontaneous such as jealousy.

4 hours later:

It was finally lunch time! However, for the first time in quite a long period of time, Jungkook did not know where to sit. He most certainly could not sit with Jenui or Hongjoong as they did not appear welcoming anymore after they acted as if his existence didn't exist and made out with one another.

Jungkook could not be bothered to try to make new friends therefore he chose the most isolated seat he could find, unfortunately someone was also positioned in that small area. Jungkook did not recognise him, he couldn't care less about his name, if he had any fame and he most certainly did not plan on becoming even friends with him.

Jungkook sat down, making a loud, conspicuous noise that startled the person on the other side of the table.

Taehyung focus:

Jungkook sat down at my table. This was definitely unexpected. After all, he was considered rather popular due to his relationship with Jenui... Oh wait, my bad, they broke up. How am I meant to react in this situation? Should I introduce myself or continue with my usual routine- being quiet and not interfering?

I don't know much about Jungkook but I just realised that his earphones weren't very high quality, I could hear Ariana Grande screeching "Thank u, next" from Jungkook's device. I assume that song suits his mood at the moment as he seems to be lost in the lyrics as he silently mouthed them. I was lucky he couldn't see me staring, that would be pretty embarrassing.

[A/N] : hi, idk what to say lol. uwu byeeeeee~

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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