My daughter (this is it)

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This is Michaels perspective by the way only in conversations you will here theme both

My daughter was born today she's so beautiful and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me
*1 week later*
So my daughter is finally home me and my baby's mother decided if the baby was a girl I would name it and if it was a boy she would name it so I decided on naming my baby girl ariella her nickname is ari

*9 years later*
M:hey princess
A:hey daddy
M:So your bd party is tomorrow what do you want for your birthday and who do you want to come over
A:oh all I want is you too let Mac come over and spend the night with me and I don't need presents
M:well you are at gonna get some
A:emmmm I think I know one thing I want
M:what's that
A:i want to go on tour with you and bring Mac
M:is that really all you want princess
A:yes so can Mac and I go to tour with you

Michael ends up saying yes and calling Macaulay culkin over and talks about to his mother

They end up going to tour
They come back to neverland after a year of touring


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