Michael gets jealous

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So Michael is at the studio and your here at neverland taking care of bubbles

Michael gets home he comes in the house to see u feeding bubbles a bottle

Michael POV
I walk in the house I see yn feeding bubbles with him in her arms like a baby
Hi baby
Yn:hey baby look at how cute this is she says taking a picture of bubbles
Dammit she's been obsessed with that monkey I don't get no time or attention from her

Michael looks deep in thought and then he looks at me and kisses me I kiss back and then I walk off to put bubbles in Michaels and i room so u lay bubbles down on the bed and I feel a print on my ass it's Michael's front on my ass uh okay so I kiss bubbles forehead and start to walk out the room but Michael grabs my wrist

Michael:baby kisses.he says in a winey baby voice
Yn:gives kiss on the lips.baby how old are u
Michael:uhh I'm a baby🙂
Yn:no your not😂
Michael:well I'm YOUR baby🙂
Michael:NO I'm YOUR ONLY baby😠he wines pouting his lips in a baby voice
Yn:is there some problems with bubbles🤨?
Yn:elaborate Michael🧐
Michael:bubbles gets ALL the attention and time from u I get nothing ☹️😠
Yn:baby why didn't you say anything I would give u anything u like if u just ask or tell me so I know😟
Michael:really😃?.with his eyes lighting up
Yn:yeah ofc I love u
Michael:Cuddles baby.in a baby voice
Yn:come on let's go

You and Michael cuddle for the rest of the day
Until he says i love you.

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