Fredica (Freddy X Chica)

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Chica: Well aren't I popular!

Bonnie: Don't let it get to your head

Foxy: To late

Chica: NO!! I'm not feeling like I'm better then you two.. Anyway, I don't really like Freddy..

Bonnie: Are you at least friends? 

Chica: Yes! He's my best friend! Or at least, a good friend. Just not one Is date, like either of you.

Bonnie: Sooo you would date me?

Chica: Y-

Foxy: She would want to date me more

Chica's mind: Never again bring that topic up.. 

Chica: I would date probably either of you

Bonnie: what's your rating for dating Freddy?

Chica: 2/10

Bonnie: I don't ship it

Foxy: Me neither

Foxy: I rate it 1/10

Bonnie: I rate it the same as foxy

Chica: FREDDY!!!!!!

Foxy: What are you doing chica...

Freddy: What do you need, Chica?

Bonnie yell whispers: Don't let him come in here!!!!

Chica: Come here

Bonnie and Foxy: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!

*Freddy enters* 

Freddy: What do u need chica? And why are they petrified?

Chica: Cause they are kids. Anyway, how do you rate this shipping?

*Freddy looks at the picture*

Freddy: Well that's an interesting picture..

*Foxy snaps out of his petrified state*

Foxy: So how do you rate this ship?

Freddy: Not very high

Chica: Something like 3/10?

Freddy: Something like that..

Chica: Cool

Freddy: Is that all u needed? just me rating a ship?

Chica: Yep

Freddy: Okay, bye guys

*Freddy exits and bonnie gets up happily*

Chica: Why do u guys seem so afraid of Freddy?

Bonnie: Death reasons..

Foxy: Aye, death reasons

Chica: Okay.. Well that was tye last ship from the original game that I could think of. 


Foxy: Eh, no need to yell mate

Bonnie: right

Everyone: See you next chapter kids!!

*All animatronic flash bloody murders then back to normal*

Chica, Foxy, and Bonnie Argue: FNAF SHIPS!!!Where stories live. Discover now