Back to game 1 (Fronnie)

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Spring Trap:  Well isn't this interesting..

Chica: Very interesting,

Bonnie: Your kidding, right?

Foxy: Oh, no. I think its very interesting.

Spring Trap and Chica: And entirely plausable

Bonnie: I hate all of you.

Chica: Even me?

Bonnie: Especialy you.

*mock gasp from Chica can be heard*

Foxy: Oh look! Its Freddy!

*Freddy enters*

Bonnie: I feel like your trying to sugest something..

Foxy, Sarcasticly: Me? Sugesting something? Never!

Chica: Real convincing

Foxy: Oh shush Chica!

Spring Trap: Hey Freddy, Why dont you come on and join the conversation?

Freddy: Sure

Chica: Welcome

Freddy: Uh, Bonnie why is everyone acting weird

Bonnie: We are currently reacting to Fronnie. Im guessing that would be the reason.

Freddy: So thats why I was invited to join you guys.. You want me to rate this ship, dont you?

Spring Trap: That would be ideal

Chica: Yes

Foxy: So, whats your rating Freddy?

Freddy: I'll say.. 5/10

Chica: 50% 

Spring Trap: Yes Chica, Very good.

Foxy: Thanks for saving us, No one knew what the pecentage was.

Chica: Of course. I would never turn down the opportunity to help the poor unfortunatly unintelligent souls.

Foxy, after glaring at Chica: Yes, well. Lets move on.. BONNIE!

Bonnie: What Foxy?

Foxy: Rating?

Bonnie: Umm, I mean im not against it..?

Chica: We need a number over ten, Bonnie.

Spring Trap: C'mon. your not allowed to duck out of it.

Foxy, Smirking: That's Chica's Job.

Chica: Really Foxy?

Bonnie: Fine, 6/10

Chica: thats 60% you poor unfortunatly unintelligent souls.

Me: Cut! Ending! Thats it for this Chapter!

So incase you havent noticed I didnt do any of the same sex ships, so Im going back through and doing them. Also feel free to request any ships you havent seen yet, or would like to see.

See you next chapter!

Chica, Foxy, and Bonnie Argue: FNAF SHIPS!!!Where stories live. Discover now