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Lauren   ’s pov

After camila’s giggle fit i sneak off to one of the bed rooms upstairs. She made me all hot and bothered by grinding all that ass into me after demi let her go she came over into my lap,I just hope she wasn't doing the same to demi only my cock goes near my girl demi can put hers in Ally.anyway i need to take care of myself i'm so hard and i need some release. I'm intersexed i have boy parts downstairs and girl parts upstairs at least that how Camila puts it. You're probably wondering why not take Camila with you and get your release? Well i would if that's what Camila wanted, she's not there yet and there is the fact that we are too young for babies I know that we are adults her being 24 me being 28 my mom would castrate me for sure. Dad on the other hand wants grandbabies.”condoms are not 100% effective.” mom always says that. Her dad doesn't believe in birth control. It's not like Camila and I don't want kids it's just that she's not ready to have sex yet and I'm ok with getting myself off my hand has been good enough for this long. I don't like blow jobs so there wont be any of that going on hell Camila has never even seen “little Lauren   ”. I do believe that she may be curious though because when we were making out on the couch before my asshat dad interrupted she had her hands on my thighs and would inch her hands down, when she would get close she would panic and move her hands away. She did that several times i don't mind if she wants to explore and experiment but only if she is ready to and asks about certain things we have had some conversations about us having sex. She was telling me about a dream that she had of us.she told me that she had to take a cold shower and change her panties because of how turned on she was. Fuck thats not helping my dick is so hard it's almost unbearable. I close the toilet lid so i can sit on it and pull my penis out of the hole where my zipper is. I forgot to put boxers on this morning. I start to stroke the head of my dick i reAlly need to get off so i start thinking about the dream that Camila told me about. I spit in my hand and start to stroke my shaft fuck i'm thinking about how camila's pussy would feel on my dick and i'm so close fuck I'm abou- *Knock Knock Knock* are you fucking kidding me? This better be fucking important. *Knock Knock Knock* i put my dick away and it hurts because my pants are rubbing against it because i'm still hard as fuck. “Is that you baby?” this girl i swear has the worst timing. “ yes babe its me.” i'm trying so hard not to be irritated with her. “May i come in please i have to go reAlly bad and this is the only bathroom that works please baby.” irritation gone she's too damn cute to be irritated at. I stand up and open the door for her and move aside to let her pass.” come on in monkey” she comes in and stands on her tippy toes to kiss my lips. “Are you sure that your ok? Your face is reAlly red.” if she gets any closer she will definitely feel my boner against her lower belly. But i can't push her away because i don't want her to think that she did something wrong. I lift her chin because if i speak to her while maintaining eye contact, she's more likely to believe me. “Yes baby everything is ok with me are you ok?” she smiles widely and pulls me closer and i just know that my dick is pressed against her, shit i'm fucked. She is pretty innocent though so i'm relying on that strongly. I look down at her and she still has that Camila smile on it's so welcoming. “Yes baby i'm fantastic, oh no i remember that i had to go pee; will you wait in here with me?”she says with a pout on her face. omg no i need to find some other place to get myself off. “Yes baby of course i'll wait.”i'm sorry i'm a real sucker for that pout. Lets face it I'm whipped and I don't care who knows. She finishes and washes her hands, she then comes over and stands in front of me and wraps her arms around my neck and jumps up so that her legs are around my waist. Fuck she is not helping. Fuck fuck fuck she is sucking on my collar bone and it feels so fucking good. She's kissing up my neck to my earlobe “are you hard for me Lolo.”  son of a bitch erase what i said earlier about her being so innocent. She is nibbling on my ear and grinding herself into me now. “Is there anything i can do to help with that baby?” i'm about to bust i can't do that with her around, i guess if she's curious but i reAlly don't want it to happen in Dinah's bathroom. “I'm ok baby can we just go home i just want to watch movies with you and cuddle.” i would love to take her up on her offer just not like this. She gets down and kisses my lips she pulls back before i have the chance to kiss her back. “Sure i'll just go tell the girls that i'm tired and need to go home” then she hurries out of the room. i feel like she's upset now did she reAlly want to go there with me? Either way a quickie in our best friends bathroom is not how her first time should happen surely that's not what she is upset about. I exit the bathroom and enter the living room in time to see her saying her goodbyes and heading out to the car. I say my goodbyes and grab my keys 

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