convo with dad

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Normani's POV 

After the other girls left it's just my dad, Mike, dinah and me, we are sitting in the living room catching up with my dad, it's been a while, it's like getting to know him all over again,  I'm just happy to have my daddy back. “You ok my love?” Dinah is just a dream come true for me, when I was a little girl dad would read stories about a princess being saved by a prince I always dreamed of it being another princess that saved her I've always liked girls. Now I have that dinah is my princess and she saved me. “Yes baby, I'm fine just thinking.” “Whatcha thinking about love?” “ how I'm the lucky girl bo be living in a fairy tale. You are my knight in shining beyonce merch.” That makes her laugh and she kisses my lips “I'm happy I could be of assistance princess.” I giggle and snuggle closer to her on the couch. “ you two cute it's gross.” Mike says and it makes dinah and I laugh and my dad pops Mike on the back of his head “ you be nice to my girls mike” they continue with their witty banter until my father's phone rings. He answers it and puts it on speaker. 

D: hello? 

M: hi sweetheart I miss you is everything ok? 

D: yes dear everything is fine I take it your flight landed? 

M: yes baby, now I'm in search of my luggage, have you booked our hotel yet I can just take a cab over so you don't have to fuss over me. 

This guy seems really sweet and by the smile on my father's face they are very happy together. I can't wait to meet him. 

D: yes babe I did, i want you to meet someone dear to me. 

M: *squeals* omg you made it to mani's place give her the phone I want to say hi. 

D: sweetie, you just did I'll come pick you up you know that you are never a fuss. 

M: derrek Hamilton I know you do not have me on speaker, you should be ashamed of yourself. 

The look on my father's face says it all. I like this Mitchell guy I decide to speak up 

N: hi you are Mitchell right? 

M: yes or mitch whichever you prefer. You must be mani? Can I call you that I'm sorry I don't want to step on any toes. 

N: yes that's me I can't wait to meet you, dad has told me about you. 

M: same here kiddo, hopefully all good things. He likes to see me blush so he tells embarrassing stories about me. 

N: no worries he is behaving himself. 

M: are you sure we are talking about the same guy? 

We all giggle at that and my dad's face turns red. 

D: ok sweetheart enough of that I'll be there to pick you up in a few minutes. 

M: ok babe I love you I'll see you in a few. 

D: see you in a few.

My dad ends the call and when he looks up he comes face to face with disappointed looks “what's with the faces guys.?”

Mike puts his hand on my dad's shoulder and shakes his head “ he said I love you and you just brushed it off that's no cool man.” “ he knows that I love him.” “Dad, really not cool, dinah knows that I love her but she still likes to hear it too.” “ I'll send him a text.” Dad! no you need to tell him in person at this point. He's going to think that he did something wrong.” “He's not a teenage boy, he will be ok with a text” “ you don't love him anymore” we all turn our heads to dinah. She is really good at reading people and she rarely gets it wrong but my dad and Mitchell seem happy together. “ what no, I mean yes I still love him I really do he's the best man I could ever ask for and I'm deeply committed and in love with him.” “ but you can't tell him you love him in front of other people,  your daughter and close friend?” “Dinah baby just drop it ok?” She looks at me with disappointment in her eyes and starts to get up. “ no, dinah is right only she's not.” My dad says turning towards dinah “ I'm not ashamed of him I'm really not, we just aren't out yet and I was just shocked, he has never told me that he loves me when he knows other people are around, that has nothing to do with how I feel about him. I feel for him what you feel for Normani. “ I'm sorry Derrick that wasn't my place.” What is going on with her she seems real jittery like something is bothering her, I'll talk to her later. 

Mike stands up and stretches. “ ok Derrick lets go get your man, then I can go home and kiss my wife, I miss her.”

Dinah laughs loudly at that and stands to give him a hug while I stand to do the same with my dad. “ you are so whipped papa mike” “ eh so what she's a good woman.”  I hug my dad and he whispers in my ear “ you really do have a good one there, no doubt she will always be good to you” “ thanks daddy I plan on keeping her around.” Dinah comes over and gives my father a hug. “yeah she better because I would be lost without her, thank you for giving me permission to have her.” “ I wouldn't want anyone else to have her dinah, you take care of her, I need to go kiss some serious ass, I really don't know what I would do without him, and I don't need him doubting my love for him.” “Bye dad” “ bye girls” 

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