Talking things out

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Lauren   's POV 

Camilia's head is on my chest and i can't help but feel that everything is right, just perfect her and i fit together like that missing piece to the puzzle that got lost and then was found and put back together. She makes me happier than I have ever been before. I meant what I said I am going to make her my wife. Alejandro always had a soft spot for me and I think that even though he lost his wife and his daughter moved out that he still just wants his little girl to be happy and I would like to think that I do that for Camila. I'm going to schedule a flight back to Miami so I can talk to him about it I just hope I'm right and he says yes. With what we have talked about I don't see any reason for me to not be ready. I mean I have an amazing woman here that is ready and willing to give me babies and that thought of having a family with Karla is a dream come true when I was 8 I met Camila for the first time and she  was being bullied. I couldn't just stand there and watch this beautiful girl get picked on so I stepped in and ended up breaking the kids arm, taught him not to pick on my monkey, that is my nickname for her because she was good on the monkey bars and she loves bananas. Speaking of bananas she was wearing a shirt that said “bananas make the world go around “  I thought she was so cute and I was drawn to protect her and since that day she has been by my side. I look down just in time to see her looking up at me and I realize something. “ baby?” She smiles and gives me a peck on my lips. “Yes lolo” “I'm ready “  

Camilia's POV 

“ baby?” I  smile and give her a peck on her lips. “Yes lolo” “I'm ready.“ “ ready for what baby?” “I'm ready to take that step with you as soon as your ready I know it might be confusing but just laying here and thinking about getting married and starting a family makes me realize that there is nothing to be afraid of with you. I know that you won't hurt me I know you don't just want a quick fuck. When other girls found out about my little friend downstairs they just wanted me to fuck them. they just saw me as an outlet for sex and I don't want that I've been holding out for you. I've always wanted you to be my first I was jealous when you went out with that one girl you were with at the beginning of high school. I was especiAlly jealous when she told everyone one that you two had sex under the bleachers“ ok first of all there is nothing little about your penis and second I just went out with her to make you pay more attention to me. Her and I never  had sex I don't even remember her name, i was just trying to get you to see me instead of that other girl .“ she puts her head down and starts playing with her fingers. I put my hand under her chin “ hey look at me I've only ever wanted to be with you , it's always been you Lauren    Michelle jauregui always

 I don't know what would have happened to me if you wouldn't have been there that day when those kids were picking on me I am very grateful to you for that I want you baby and I am ready but only if you are sure. We can wait to have sex we have the rest of our lives to have sex baby. “ “ I know monkey, I know that I'm sure I want this with you and it doesn't have to be now or tonight, it doesn't even have to be this week I just want you to know that whenever you want to have sex I'm willing and waiting “ omg my girlfriend is too fucking cute. “Waiting and willing” that's just too cute I'm glad she's ready and I want to show her that I'm ready too but right now I'm hungry and I'm sure she is too so I will make us something to eat and get some movies set up and see where things go. I lean down to give her another kiss. “ thank you for telling me baby so are you saying your ready to do what I want you to do to me or is that too much?” I have to see if she reAlly meant it when she said that she would do anything I wanted to do. I mean look at it this way, we would both get what we want, she wants to please me and I want her to pound my pussy and give me babies I know it's not always guaranteed on the first try but I've been to the doctor and I have an app that tracks when I'm ovulating and when it would be a good time. I don't know about her but I want a big family, lots of babies.  she leans up and bites on my bottom lip and kisses me me roughly and makes me moan. Fuck shes good. I can feel her getting hard under me when I slide my tongue along her bottom lip and she instantly accepts and I let her win the fight for dominance. She pulls back and pretends to be thinking about something. “ let me see if I can remember what you told me you wanted I'll try to quote you word for word. let me know if I don't get it right.” “ oh baby I trust that you know exactly what I want “ she gets harder and tries to muffle a moan. “ I'm waiting baby tell me what I want you to do to me.” she starts kissing her way to my ear.“I want you inside me now I want  you to let me cum I want you to cum with me, inside  me please lolo” she whispers as she grinds herself into me fuck I didn't think she could get any harder, if I was to unzip her sweatpants she'd be busting out of her prison woman's allergic to putting on underwear. I want to feel her so I slide my hand between us and start to stroke her outside her sweatpants and omg I still can't believe that she so fucking huge. She is gonna tear my shit up, I'm all kinds of hot and bothered. I'm supposed to be making us lunch. A little teasing never hurt anyone. “ you know me so well baby that's exactly what I want, make me yours baby “ she moans and bites down on my shoulder, “fuck that feels amazing.” I trail my other hand down her side and I see her shiver and she has goosebumps everywhere I love that I can have that effect on her.”fuck baby that feels so good. What type of girlfriend would I be if I didn't pay attention to what my woman wants.“  she has both hands on my breasts and she starts to suck on the spot on my neck that she knows drives me crazy fuck she knows exactly what she's doing to me. I don't even care if she leaves a mark “ a single one, and girlfriend huh?” “ well it will be wifey and baby mama once I can get ahold of your father.” Oh hell to the no she didn't. I give her hard cock one last stroke and start to roll off of her. She tightens her arms around my waist. “And where do you think you are going?” “ to make my future baby daddy some lunch “ she groans and playfully pushes me away. “ I'm more than a baby daddy you know. “ “yeah yeah baby I know you are.” “You're just rude” 

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