How you met (Part 3)

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Kanan Jarrus:

You were barely thirteen when the world as you know it crashed and burned all around you. The once friendly faces of the clone troopers turned cold and brutal as they started attacking their Jedi generals and commanders. In fact, they were killing every Jedi, including the padawans. Your master, Denver Leonhart was running right behind you as he tried to get you to safety, or at least someplace where he could hide you until it was safe to come out.

"Don't look back, (y/n)! Keep running! Keep running!" Denver yelled as you both ran across the fields of Kaller. As you ran ahead, you heard the sounds of shots ranging out behind you. But you didn't look back as you ran, knowing that Denver would be right behind you.

You managed to outrun the clones chasing after you, you ditched your robes and hid your lightsaber within the small pouch that you carried on your back, where all your medical supplies were, after hiding in a cave. "We made it. We made it, Master!" You said cheerfully as you turned around to face him, though he wasn't there. Worried, you came out of hiding and looked around. All around you it was silent. You started running back to where you might find your master. Hoping-no praying to the force that your master was alright.

Just ahead of you, you saw someone lying on the ground. As you draw closer, your (e/c) eyes widened with fear and sorrow once you recognized the person. It was Denver. He had multiple blaster wounds in his back, his emerald green eyes slack, and dull without the light of life in them. "Some...someone please help! Help!" You yelled as you looked around. Though the fields seemed deserted. No sign of life anywhere. With your heart breaking, you laid down beside you fallen master, his jedi robes clenched tightly in your hands, and you cried softly into the singed fabric.

A few minutes later, you heard footsteps approaching you, followed by a gentle hand shaking you awake. Opening your eyes, you came face to face with a slightly older boy with dark brown hair and greenish blue eyes. He stood up straight and held out his hand for you to take.
"Come with me. The clones will be back soon to scout the area for anyone still alive." He said as you gently took his hand and he pulled you up to your feet.

"My name's Kanan. You'll be safe now." He said as he started walking.

Ezra Bridger:

You were a resident of Lothal, having been born a few days before Empire Day. That was 14 years ago. You were now an imperial cadet, having been forced into it by your parents, since your father was a high ranking officer in the Imperial army. You didn't like it however, since a lot of the other cadets would constantly bully you and make you do most of the work assigned by the instructors.

You thought about dropping out, but didn't say a word to your father. He would be crushed and disappointed if you were to tell him. Even though your mother had you join just to keep the storm troopers from constantly breathing down your family's neck, your father wanted you in the army so that you and him could form a stronger bond. For as long as you can remember, you always loved being around your father more.

"I can't believe that you're graduating already, (y/n)! That's totally not fair!" You turned around to face your only friend at the academy, a red haired girl named Ember. You shrugged in response as you placed your cadet helmet down on the shelf, knowing that this will be your last time doing so.

"My dad is taking me in, so I guess I'm going to be working under him." You said, as you ran your fingers through your hair. Ember stared at you with violet eyes as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I know, but still. It's going to be boring without you here. Hell, I'm pretty sure the commandant is going to miss you too." Ember said which made you laugh softly.

"Miss me? The reason he is so nice to me is because of my dad. You should have seen the look on his face when he took me to go register me for the academy. The commandant was practically tripping over himself." You said which made Ember burst out laughing.

"Alright. I guess I'll see you around later. Maybe we can meet up at the Empire Day parade later on." Ember said as she gave you a friendly punch to the arm before walking off. Once she was gone you started walking outside to where you were supposed to meet your father.

As you stepped outside, you looked at the sky that held a kind of murky shade due to the pollution in the air. You remembered a time when the skys were a bright blue. Hopefully things will change over time and someone was willing to put an end to the Empire.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw a flash of orange near by. Looking towards your right, you saw a boy with dark blue hair wandering around. He looked very familiar, like one of the boy cadets that went missing a few months ago.

Looking around, you decided to approach him. You stayed hidden though, so that way you won't end up bringing attention to yourself. As you got closer, you saw that he seemed to be looking for something.

"Hey! You're not allowed back here unless you're a cadet of the academy." You said, immediately getting his attention. He turned around and your eyes widened in surprise. It was the boy that went missing along with Jai Kell.

"Dev Morgan?!" You yelled in surprise which made him panick and he wrapped his hand around your mouth.

"No. I'm not Dev Morgan anymore, (y/n). Though it's nice to see you again, even if this is our first meeting." He said as he gently peeled his hand from your mouth. Though before you could say anything you heard your father calling for you. The blue haired boy smiled as he started walking off.

"The name's Ezra. See ya later, (y/n)." He said before he ran off.

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