Ch.10-Officially Official

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North Carolina
November 1st
Mani's POV

Tomorrow Dave is leaving and going back to New York he will be there for two weeks then coming back here. So today me and Dave are at the adoption office to let Dave fully adopt Elle. He was so excited for this day to come and me too.

"Hi I am Mrs.Jones you must be Armani" a bright skin lady said coming up to me and Dave

"Yes ma'am I am nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand

"Okay y'all can follow me to my office" she said leading us down a long hallway

"Okay so what can I help you with today" she asked

"Well I have a 5 year old daughter but my boyfriend here is not the father but he has always been there for me and my daughter so we both agreed for him to adopt my daughter" I said

"Ooh okay that's so sweet" she said "Well all you have to do is fill this paper work out"

"So how long will all this take"Dave asked

"Well it usually take 3 to 5 business days" she said

"Thank you so much" I said while standing and shaking her hand and so did Dave

"My pleasure" she said walking us out

Me and Dave left the building heading out to eat. It's really crazy to me how far we have gotten in our relationship. Dave is moving in with me since I just bought the house. So I'm super excited. We went to a nice restaurant called Lovely. It was a cute restaurant that sold everything from soul food to seafood plus Italian and Mexican food.

"Hi. My name is Amare and I will be you server for today may I start you guys off with drinks" he said looking from Dave to me

"Umm yes may I get two waters with lemon please" I said

"Alrighty I'll be right back with your drinks" he said walking away

"So we need to figure out what we gonna do to the house for you to move in" I said "my closet is too small for the both of us"

"We can remove the guest bathroom and add on to the closet because there is a bathroom across the hall" Dave said

"Ummm....." I said until somebody interrupted

"Umm hey Mani" Jae said walking up to the table. I started rubbing my foot up and down Dave's leg so he could stay calm.

"Can I help you" I said

"I got the results I'm sorry for how I acted towards you I was suck an ass" he said

"Okay den" I said not feeling the apology

"When is your next appointment" he asked

"Next month why" I said getting upset

"So I can come my dad told me you live out here now so I was wondering if we could work things out" he said he looked at my finger and seen my ring shining "who are you engaged too"

"To me why lil nigga" Dave said

"Oh so that's how it is Mani" Jae said

"Yeah it is I said" I said

"She'll text you about ya child now you can bounce" Dave said after that Jae walked off

"You know I ain't texting him" I told dave

"I understand you don't like him but Ian gonna lie that's his child he has the right to know" Dave said

"Nigga shutup when you start getting like that" I said

"When you became my lady" he said

"Mmhm yeah" I said

....After Lunch

When got home and I went straight to sleep. I wasn't really in the mood after the encounter with Jae bitch ass. So now I just wanted to rest but obviously I couldn't get that with all these people in my house. It was alright though because half of them were leaving so I was happy. Aye now don't get me wrong I love my family but damn a bitch need time to herself. 

Since Dave adopted Elle he has been spoiling her rotten now. Plus she convinced him to let her go back to New York with him and he agreed. I was happy to get a little alone time now since he was taking her. They were leaving at 7pm so Zea drove them to the Jet. While they did that I planned my whole two weeks out. I really had a lot of business to get done so now I can do it all in these two weeks.

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