Jisung P.

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Team 101 survived round 2!!!
But the producer yelled at yunho and seonghwa...(Btw all this is in korean)

Producer; you think this is easy?

Yunho and Seonghwa; no sir

Producer; then why do some of your members not try?

Yunho; i don't know

Producer; TELL ME NOW!!!

Yunho and Seonghwa; We have no idea sir *they bow*

Producer; i want your team to work harder yall are in 1st place and it better stay that way!!!

Yunho and seonghwa; yes sir...

Producer; what!?!

Yunho and seonghwa; YES SIR!!!

After that the team went to the dairy rooms and this is Yunho's...

Yunho; so im choi Yunho and this is the diary room *he claps then looks down* i know this is alot for my team i know they really want to debut and so do the girls...i know its going to be hard for them *he cries a little and gets his phone then dials his grandma's number*

Grandma; Yunho? Do you miss me?

Yunho; *he laughs a little while crying* yeah grandma

Grandma; its hard i know but im around of you

Yunho; i dont want to let the team down *he cries harder*

Grandma; you wont all this pressure is getting to you and its going to make you better and your going to win

Jaewon (Yunho's older cousin); Im proud of you Yun-Nie youve worked so hard and your there now your going to make it i promise you

Grandma and Jae won; Hwaiting Yunho!!!

*they hang up and yunho slides down the wall crying*

Yunho; im sorry if i let yall down ill work harder i promise some times when yall are asleep i feel like busting out crying becuase yall are suffering becuase of me im sorry

Seonghwa; hello seonghwa here *he fixes his hair* honestly i feel like yunho shouldn't be the one getting yelled at he's been working hard working through the hole day 9am to 6am its hard for him he only gets 3 hours of sleep he shouldn't be the one hurting he's done so much for us as the youngest he should be the one having fun and stuff he deserves it after what hes been through and he still cares about what lisa thinks even though she doesnt talk to him hes still worried he needs to be a kid he needs to stop wasting his time worring what people think hwaiting Yunho!

Yeosang; Hey...im yeosang and this is my dairy room where i share personal business you shouldnt even be hearing but you are anyway
So about the group...im happy that yunho is 1st in trainees and are group is 1st in trainee groups its just that Junyin and yongbok have been holding us back but seonghwa and yunho always take the blame...

*flash back to practice room*

Producer; who is the one that keeps on messing up who sucks at the dance

Yongbok & Junyin; u-

Seonghwa & Yunho; *looks at them* it's us sir

Producer; *hits them* work harder next time

Seonghwa & Yunho; Yes sir....

*flash back ends*

Yeosang; they always get hit becuase of them you can see seonghwa and yunho are hurting and so am i... I have Tourette syndrome which also holds the group back sometimes and i do random stuff at times *he laughs*

*flash back*

Yunho; and so-

Yeosang; *flinches* ehg

Everyone (+Yeosang); *laughs hard*

*flash back ends*

Yeosang; i just want the best for everyone hwaiting 101!!!

Yongbok; HEllOoooOo Diary rooOooOoooOom
Soooo im sorry to both seonghwa and yunho goodbye *he slams the door*

JunYin; *he cries hard* i know its hard for everyone and it sucks people assume since were the top group we don't worry but we do Yunho and Seonghwa have scars because of me and yongbok i dont want them to suffer sometimes i feel like disappearing and sometimes i catch yunho looking at razors and it scared me becuase what if one day he actually does it and its because of me because theres so much pressure...hwaiting 101...

Tsuyoshi; Hey Japanese boi here anyway I really dont fear anything i know we will do well because we do try hard and i beilive in us
HWAITING 101!!!!

But after they freaking made fun of the producer and became happy again and it made me happy girl group 101 is also top 1!!! Congratulations girls and boys of 101!!!!

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