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Be kind as to give me a drop of water,

Watch as color floods over me.

Be gentle with me for I am frail,

Keep me close but keep your distance.

I flourish with you, breathe with you,

You are the sun's beams.

You fill me with light, excite me,

Give me life, rejuvenate me.

With you, I bloom.

With you, I am beautiful.

Because of you, I am loved.

Because of you, I am given life.

You are the earth in which my roots hold me,

The air in which I breathe,

The sun that gives me all the light I could ask for,

The clouds and rain that may downtrodden me,

You bring life, growth, love.

I am but something small, in aspects of all that you hold

To put it simply, I am a mere bug in your beautiful garden

I need you to survive, but in some small aspect, the relation is mutual

After all, how may a garden flourish without the bugs that reside within?

If you were to be the sun, I'd be the moon

For without you, I'd be consumed in the dark.

Because of you, I shine.

Because of you, I am known.

If you were a flower, you'd be a skeleton flower

Beautiful, yet transparent when wet,

Don't be saddened, for your beauty will wash away

Yet it only be temporarily, as nothing is more beautiful than you.

As for me, I'd be a dandelion.

I'm rather insignificant, you'd find someone like me just about anywhere,

But if you treat me special, I'll grant you a wish.

And just as this poem doesn't have a proper ending, I hope we don't either.

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