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This book is a how-to guide (of sorts) primarily focused on intersectional feminism and my interpretation of what it means to be a feminist.

It should be noted that chapters will be published individually and will each focus on one particular aspect of postmodern feminism. So far, the chapters are listed below.

Table of Contents:

1. The False Dichotomy

2. Intersectionality...

3. ...Which Leads us to – PRIVILEGE

4. Rape Culture

5. Female Sexuality - A Catch 22

6. Toxic and Hegemonic Masculinity

7. The Abortion 'Debate'

8. Gender and Violence

9. Transgender Issues

10. Misandry vs Feminism

11. Religion in Feminism

12. Cultural Appropriation

Any and all statistics will be appropriately referenced and sourced. Unless indicated otherwise, chapter content is anecdotal and should be considered as theory, not fact.

Chapters will be posted as often as possible (I'm open to suggestions if people would like my input on a particular topic)!

Happy reading!

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