Expectedly Unexpected 2

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*Casey's POV*


"Darling, get up now, or else you'll be late for your new school," says my mom.

I check at my watch, its a bit early, 6:30am. Classes start at 8am. I guess my mom is pretty excited for my new school, she's as excited as I am.

My name is Casey Williams. I'm simple, I like going to school, I enjoy reading and writing. What else? I enjoy every worthwhile thing to do.

We just moved in here in Portland, because my dad is a businessman and he constantly change his workplace, so we move out with him. I am a family-oriented girl. My dad's name is David and my mom's name is Selena. We're pretty close to each other which makes my life happier.

"Yes mom. I'm coming in a few minutes," I blurted out.

I'm excited to go to school today. I wonder what the standards of the school is. I am now in 10th grade and I wonder if we have Physics or Advanced Algebra, or better yet Calculus. I like Math, I'm good at it. Which makes me wonder if they have a club related to Math.

"Excited for your first day, sweetie?" asked my mom.

She's very sweet, supportive and loving. If I had a new life, I'd really pick her to be my mom again. I'm just so thankful that she's here for me. Supporting me in all I do, may it be math or science quiz bees. I just love her, so so much. I won't ever let her down.

"Super excited! Oh, how I wish they have Math Club, like the last 2 schools I've been," I say excitedly.

Yes, you heard me right, last two, I must say DIFFERENT schools. I change schools all the time, because dad changes workplaces too. Wait, I think I already told you that. Am I being too talkative? Well, I'm only like that when I'm with friends.

I finished eating my breakfast. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. What will I wear for today? A dress, maybe? No, too girlish. Jeans? Okay, fine. I'll have jeans, pretty blouse and doll shoes.

I don't really put make-up. I find them dirty. So I just put a little foundation and eyeliner. I'm ready for school.

"Good morning my dear baby boo boo," says my dad.

Ugh, I don't really like my dad giving me petnames.

"Dad, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me "baby boo boo"? Just call me sweetie, honey or whatever like how mom calls me," I said irritated.

He chuckled. "Same old little Casey, always so hot-tempered. Relax, baby. You're always ready for action but still, you can easily be distracted. Chill,"

Here we go again, we barely see each other because of his long work hours and overnight and yet, he attacks me with this endless sermon.

"Yes dad, I understand. I'll ease up a bit and chill," I said sarcastically.

I kissed them goodbye and headed to my car. I nervously started the engine. Oh great, my mood has been ruined by my dad. I'm feeling a little tense now.

I'm not really familiar in Portland yet, so I have a map with me. Thanks to Google map, hah! I also have a map of my new school, my mom gave it to me just before I leave. Good thing I have this, I'm saved.

I'm all set, I have my class schedule, maps, maps and maps. Portland High School, here I come.


I'm now here at school. Wow, it's pretty impressive, nice facilities. The best school I've been since kindergarten. Haha! I wonder if I'll get along with these rich students. Damn, it makes me even more nervous.

I think I'll just stroll around and maybe check some vacant facilities while I wait for my first class. Wait, what's my first class? Algebra? Yeah! What a lucky ass. I love Algebra. Yes! I think this day will be perfect!

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" a guy said with a huge inviting smile. Hmm, he's pretty cute. Aww, he has blue eyes. Turn-on.

I didn't notice my mouth was hanging open until he sorta laughed at me. "Oh, uhh. I have Algebra class and I don't know where is it," I hid the map as I lied to him.

"Okay, come on. I'll walk you to your class," he said then he smirked.

Huh, it's early. It's still 7:45. "Umm, it's still a bit early, do you mind touring me first? I'm a transferee and I have to be familiarized here so I won't get lost," I chuckled.

"Sure, sure. Let me help you with your books," he said.

Aww, what a gentleman. I felt my cheeks went warm as he touched my hand when I gave him my books. Ugh, why am I feeling this?

"I'm Chester, by the way," he said as he offered his hand for a handshake.

I took his hand and said, "I'm Casey. Nice to meet you,"

"Pleasure's mine," he said."So, in the first floor, you can find the gym, art room, music room, cafeteria, computer room and the speech laboratory. Of course there are comfort rooms at the end of this corridor," he continued.

Wow, potential tourist guide. Haha! I am sooo enjoying this. This is a great start-off.

As we reached second floor, he talked again. "You can find the principals' office here. As well as the Theater room, Science Laboratory room, and other rooms intended for clubs,"

"Really? What clubs does our school offer?" I asked.

"We have a lot. But the popular choices are, varsity, cheer leading squad..."

Ew, cheering squad. Showing off your bodies to other people.

"Theater Arts, Science Club and Math Club," he said.

I wasn't interested with the other clubs he mentioned except for Math Club. Yay!

"Wow, I like Math. I'm interested in joining the club,"

"What a co-incidence, I'm the president. You can have the qualifying exam later and we'll see if you're really good at it," he said, sticking out his tongue.

"That's cool," I said, sticking out my tongue too.

"So here in the third floor, you can find Algebra room, Biology room, English room, and rooms intended for academic purposes,"

"Oh. That's nice. It's almost time. Thanks a lot for the tour," I smiled.

"No problem, I am also the official usher of our school so it's my duty to help. Bye for now," he smiled then left.

What? He's the official usher? Ugh, and I actually thought it was something special! I thought he finds me cute or close to it. Pfff. Boys! They can be sooooo deceiving. That's why I hate boys so much. Ugh! This is enough. I'll never think of boys again. Never ever again! I've had too much! I've really had enough.

The algebra class went well. I enjoyed the discussion. The teacher is pretty cool, he seems to know what he's doing. Most of the teachers I've met never really understand what they're doing.

The teacher dismissed us just 2 minutes early. Cool, I could head off to my locker and avoid many students. I waited till the room was empty, then I went out.

Suddenly a guy bumped into me. He seems very worried. He ran as fast as he could, never apologizing for what he's done.

What is his problem?! Bumping other people and not even apologizing? Ugggggh! He's getting on my nerves! I knew it, this day would suck. It stated with dad, then with that deceiving Chester! Ugh!

He turned around for a fraction of a second and looked at me, straight in the eyes.

It felt something really weird.

Was that a spark?

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