Chapter Twelve

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Where am I? A field? I don't remember falling asleep here. I should go find someone to help me. Maybe this path will take me there. Bye bye soft grass, someday I will come rest upon you once again.

This path is so long. So many twists and turns. I don't think it's worth it. Stop thinking like this! Walk forward and don't stop walking, Allen. There's a tree out there; someone will be there to help. But it's so far away, and I feel so tired. No, ignore the pain, ignore the exhaustion, you need to make it to the tree. One step at a time, you'll make it.

Look at all this soft grass surrounding me, I could just sleep in the meadow for a little bit. I can't, the tree is more important. I can rest when I get there. Maybe Dan and Leo will be there waiting for me. Just keep walking, Allen, it's getting closer and closer.

The tree, I'm here! I knew it looked familiar. It was the one right where Ray slept. She must be here to help me. She has to be, her grave is right here. There's an empty one next to her. Maybe it's a bed she made for me. Oh wait, is that another path?

It leads to a nice cottage. How quaint. I think there's someone over there. Two, actually, and are they waving to me? I should go over there. Maybe they can help me too...But this bed is so inviting. Ray did make it just for me after all. I feel so tired. I'll just walk to the cottage after a little nap.

Thank you for this bed, Ray. A small nap never hurt anyone.

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